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After migration of WordPress website I can't access the admin (white page)

In many cases when migrating files to a different server this issue arises simply because of a minor error in one of your PHP files. The error is additional characters after the closing?> PHP tag in the file. These may just be simple whitespace or returns but they can often be the cause of the white screen of death.

A primary culprit is the functions.php file in your WordPress theme. Take a look at it in a plain text file editor (often available with most hosting accounts) and ensure you delete any lines after the closing tag.

If it's not in this file use error reporting to identify the culprit file, it may be in a plugin or another file in your theme.

As mentioned by Jon Surrell enable error display, change the following setting to true in wp-config.php.

define('WP_DEBUG', true);

I'm adding this answer to the fray, in the hope, it might help somebody else. I followed all of the advice above to no avail. I actually had to hack the PHP files to force my administrator to have access to the panel. It's through the panel that I discovered that my administrator account was not assigned the administrator role.

This is my hack to "wp-includes/capabilities.php"

function current_user_can( $capability ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();

if ( empty( $current_user ) ) {
return false;

return true; // HACK to get superuser power to any logged in user

$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
$args = array_merge( array( $capability ), $args );

return call_user_func_array( array( $current_user, 'has_cap' ), $args );

This allowed the Administrator Panel to appear, with access to

[To see links please register here]

and then I could assign the role. I then unhacked the capabilities.php to ensure all users had the correct rights, now that I had "Administrator" assigned to me.

everyone. A few days ago I ported by BlogVault the WordPress multisite instance. The process went smoothly, the sites worked as needed. But I could not get into the console, allways got the error "Your browser does not support cookies, please enable them and try again". I spent several days researching and figured out that the error occurs due to an entry in the code of the page "wp_options".

The original site uses the line

define ('COOKIE_DOMAIN', strtolower (stripslashes ($ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'])));

but the new server uses the line

define ('COOKIE_DOMAIN',;"

Replacing lines of code solved the problem. Hope this help somebody)

It's maybe a late replay, but hope it will help someone else.

In my case here are steps I used to resolve the issue.

1. Edit the `wp-config.php` file from your WordPress project root and change `define('WP_DEBUG', true);` instead of false.
2. Upload the same file to the project root for the new server.
3. Try to log in same as previously like

[To see links please register here]

- Hope now you are able to login the backend admin
4. Go to settings -> Permalinks - under common settings - choose the radio button `plan` then click SAVE button for a sake, then again choose `day and name` SAVE again, don't forget to click save, got back your domain and check your site, the inner pages should work perfectly fine.
5. Go back to `wp-config.php` and revert the value to false and upload again.
6. That's it.

I am not a wordpress developer but the above solution was perfectly fine for me and didn't find anywhere it's explained properly.

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