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Best way to build a custom Django CMS

I am new to Django, but heard it was promising when attempting to create a a custom CMS.

I am looking to get started, but their seems to be a lack of documentation, tutorials, etc on how to actually get something like this going.

I am curious if their are any books/tutorials/guides that can help me get started with CMS django building.

PS- I have heard of django-cms, but am unsure what exactly it is and how it is different from django.

(07-20-2023, 06:06 AM)masavvv Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

I am new to Django, but heard it was promising when attempting to create a a custom CMS.

I am looking to get started, but their seems to be a lack of documentation, tutorials, etc on how to actually get something like this going.

I am curious if their are any books/tutorials/guides that can help me get started with CMS django building.

PS- I have heard of django-cms, but am unsure what exactly it is and how it is different from django.

Isn't Joomla better?

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