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Changing the Status Bar Color for specific ViewControllers using Swift in iOS8


override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle {
return UIStatusBarStyle.LightContent;

Using the above code in any ViewController to set the statusBar color to White for a specific viewcontroller ***doesnt work in iOS8 for me***. Any suggestions? Using the UIApplication.sharedApplication method, the color changes after required changes in the Info.plist for the whole app.

// Change the colour of status bar from black to white
UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarStyle = .LightContent

How can I just make changes to the status bar color for some required and ***specific ViewControllers***?

*(As of October 25, 2021)*

**Swift 5**, **Swift 4.2**, **Swift 4**

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {

*As of Oct 2020, Swift 5, Xcode 12*

If you want to set it to all view controllers in the app. and if your app has a navigation controller.

You can do it in the plist file as follow:
[![plist file changes][1]][1]



In Swift 5 or xcode 11 and later set (**View controller-based status bar appearance**) key in info.plist as NO
Then go to project target and select general, Set **status bar style** to dark or light

(As of June 10, 2020)

**Swift 5** (*Without editing `.Plist` file*)

If you are using `Storyboard`, go to the `NavigationController`, select the `navigationBar`, click on the `Attributes Inspector`, then change the `style`. if you need `light content` (*white status bar*) set it anything except `default` lets say set style `black` And if you want `dark content` (*black status bar*) set it `default`.

The default (`UIBarStyleDefault`) results in the dark foreground `UIStatusBarStyleDefault` status bar. And `UIBarStyleBlack` will give a `UIStatusBarStyleLightContent` status bar.


let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: rootViewController)

nav.navigationBar.barStyle = .default //gives you dark Content status bar

nav.navigationBar.barStyle = .black //gives you light content status bar

**Without Navigation Bar** (*Edit `.Plist`*)

add `UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance` / `View controller-based status bar appearance` to your `info.plist`, and set value is `true`.

`Override` the `preferredStatusBarStyle` property in your Controller

class ViewController: UIViewController {
override var preferredStatusBarStyle : UIStatusBarStyle {
return .lightContent


Swift 4.0 Please use this code in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:" Appdelegate class

UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent let statusBar: UIView = UIApplication.shared.value(forKey: "statusBar") as! UIView if statusBar.responds(to: #selector(setter: UIView.backgroundColor)){ statusBar.backgroundColor = }

iOS 13

var statusBarView: UIView = UIView()
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
let tag:UInt64 = 38482458385
if let statusBar = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.viewWithTag(Int(tag)) {
statusBar.backgroundColor =
statusBarView = statusBar
} else {
let statusBar = UIView(frame: UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame)
statusBar.tag = Int(tag)
statusBarView = statusBar
} else {
statusBarView = (UIApplication.shared.value(forKey: "statusBar") as? UIView)!
if statusBarView.responds(to: #selector(setter: UIView.backgroundColor)){
statusBarView.backgroundColor =


I use this way in **Swift 5, Swift 4.2**.

Add next values to Info.plist:

**UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance = YES**


**UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance = NO** (to see changes)

**UIStatusBarHidden = NO**

**UIStatusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleDefault** (or set to **UIStatusBarStyleLightContent** if you want to see *light status bar texts* on launching)


Then place code below to specific view controllers where you want to see light content (to see dark texts set preferredStatusBarStyle to **.darkContent**).

override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
return .lightContent

override func viewDidLoad() {

if let statusBar: UIView = UIApplication.shared.value(forKey: "statusBar") as? UIView {
statusBar.backgroundColor = .sunflowerYellow



if somebody wants to change the battery and text color of the status bar like the below image:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

you can use the following code in the appdelegate class.

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = UIColor(red: 234.0/255.0, green: 46.0/255.0, blue: 73.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.white
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : UIColor.white]


There are two situation:

** navigation bar**

1) add`1UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance` / `View controller-based status bar appearance` to your `info.plist`, and set value is `true`.

2) Override the preferredStatusBarStyle property in your custom NavigationController class : (from @guillama)

class NavigationController : UINavigationController {

override var preferredStatusBarStyle : UIStatusBarStyle {

if let topVC = viewControllers.last {
//return the status property of each VC, look at step 2
return topVC.preferredStatusBarStyle
return .default

3) override `preferredStatusBarStyle` in your specific view controller:

override var preferredStatusBarStyle : UIStatusBarStyle {
return .lightContent

**2.hidden navigation bar**

1) ditto

2) don't need second step above, you should implement third step directly.

override var preferredStatusBarStyle : UIStatusBarStyle {
return .lightContent


## Custom color for the status bar (iOS11+, Swift4+)
If you are looking for a solution how to change the status bar to your custom color, this the working solution.

let statusBarView = UIView()
statusBarView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
statusBarView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
statusBarView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor),
statusBarView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor),
statusBarView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor)
statusBarView.backgroundColor = .blue

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