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Check if array contains part of a string in Swift?

I have an array containing a number of strings. I have used `contains()` (see below) to check if a certain string exists in the array however I would like to check if part of a string is in the array?

itemsArray = ["Google, Goodbye, Go, Hello"]

searchToSearch = "go"

if contains(itemsArray, stringToSearch) {
NSLog("Term Exists")
else {
NSLog("Can't find term")

The above code simply checks if a value is present within the array in its entirety however I would like to find `"Google, Google and Go"`

Swift 5

let itemExist = itemsArray.contains {
$0.range(of: stringToSearch) != nil

I had the same problem recently, didn't like most of these answers,
solved it like this:

let keywords = ["doctor", "hospital"] //your array

func keywordsContain(text: String) -> Bool { // text: your search text
return keywords.contains { (key) -> Bool in

This will also correctly trigger searches like "doc", which many of the above answers do not and is best practice.
contains() is more performant than first() != nil

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In Swift 5 with better readability :

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]
let searchString = "Googled"

let result = itemsArray.contains(where: searchString.contains)
print(result) //prints true in the above case.

MARK:- Swift 5, Swift 4

//MARK:- You will find the array when its filter in "filteredStrings" variable you can check it by count if count > 0 its means you have find the results

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]
let searchToSearch = "go"

let filteredStrings = itemsArray.filter({(item: String) -> Bool in

let stringMatch = item.lowercased().range(of: searchToSearch.lowercased())
return stringMatch != nil ? true : false

if (filteredStrings as NSArray).count > 0
//Record found
//MARK:- You can also print the result and can do any kind of work with them
//Record Not found

In Swift 4:

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]
let searchString = "Go"
let filterArray = itemsArray.filter({ { $0.range(of: searchString, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil}

func filterContentForSearchText(_ searchText: String) {
filteredString = itemsArray.filter({( item : String) -> Bool in
return item.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())

First of all, you have defined an array with a single string.
What you probably want is

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]

Then you can use `contains(array, predicate)` and `rangeOfString()` – optionally with
`.CaseInsensitiveSearch` – to check each string in the array
if it contains the search string:

let itemExists = contains(itemsArray) {
$0.rangeOfString(searchToSearch, options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch) != nil

println(itemExists) // true

Or, if you want an array with the matching items instead of a yes/no

let matchingTerms = filter(itemsArray) {
$0.rangeOfString(searchToSearch, options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch) != nil

println(matchingTerms) // [Google, Goodbye, Go]

**Update for Swift 3:**

let itemExists = itemsArray.contains(where: {
$0.range(of: searchToSearch, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil

let matchingTerms = itemsArray.filter({
$0.range(of: searchToSearch, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil


Try like this.

Swift 3.0

import UIKit

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]

var filterdItemsArray = [String]()

func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {
filterdItemsArray = itemsArray.filter { item in
return item.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())

filterContentForSearchText(searchText: "Go")


["Google", "Goodbye", "Go"]


Try like this.

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]
let searchToSearch = "go"

let filteredStrings = itemsArray.filter({(item: String) -> Bool in

var stringMatch = item.lowercaseString.rangeOfString(searchToSearch.lowercaseString)
return stringMatch != nil ? true : false

`filteredStrings` will contain the list of strings having matched sub strings.

In Swift `Array` struct provides filter method, which will filter a provided array based on filtering text criteria.

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