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Could not open settings generic class cache for settings file '

Try this!
Remove `package android` from the top of settings.gradle. This helped me out.

I got this error when using flutter. I fixed it ensuring the `android-studio-dir` path was set correctly.
You set it up using `flutter config --android-studio-dir="android studio path"`.
Then run flutter doctor and ensure flutter can see Android Studio

**FOUND IT !**
No need to change your JDK version, follow the steps to resolve the issue:
- check your java version and remember it, use "java -version" in terminal
- go to your android studio path installation
- then in: Android Studio/jre/ open the file named "release"
- take attention of the value of JAVA_VERSION field
- if it's not the same as the java version on your computer, just change it with the version installed on your computer.

That's it, i hope it will resolve your issue like it resolves mine.

Try it and give a feedback.

In 'adnroid/gradle/wrapper/'
Change distributionUrl to version 7.0.1

In 'android/build.gradle'
Change '' to version 4.2.0

Java 11 is the only supported version by Flutter as for now. It compiles and installs.
Previously I had this error using Java 19 and Java 8.

You might want update your gradle version.
Check the supported gradle <-> kotlin <-> java version on their page.

Simply go to your Android Studio path -> C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
open jbr folder -> copy all files -> then go back -> paste all the files in the jre folder and "replace the files in the destination".
It works for me in two different laptops. I have latest jdk version - 19.0.2

The error message you're seeing is related to the flutter build process and it occurs when a required input or output annotation is missing from the assets property of the FlutterTask.

task buildFlutter(type: FlutterTask) {
// Add the @Input annotation to the assets property
@Input List<String> assets = ["assets/images/", "assets/fonts/"]


So the problem arises from inconsistency in the Java version installed on your machine, the default Java version configured on your android studio and the gradle version for your project.
So building upon the answer given by Tafita Raza I fixed it following the steps below
- Check your java version and remember it, use "java -version" in terminal
- Go to your android studio path installation
- In newer versions of android studio go to Andriod Studio/jbe while in older versions go to Android Studio/jre/ and edit the file named "release"
- Replace the value of JAVA_VERSION with the version of Java installed on your machine if it's not the same as the java version on your computer
- Now go into the project folder you are building and check if the gradle version is compatible with the Java you have installed

[![Java and gradle compatibility][1]][1]
- I had java 19.0.2 installed on my system so according to the table I need gradle version 7.6 to build a project. You can also check the official website gradle if your java version is not listed

[To see links please register here]

- Go into your project_name/android/gradle/wrapper and edit the file
- Replace the distributionUrl with the version of gradle compatible with the java version on your system
[![DistributionUrl Example][2]][2]



Change the `JAVA_HOME` to your Android Studio root such as:
`D:\Android\Android Studio\jbr` (not jre).

I don't change the java version, just changed the `JAVA_HOME`, it solved this question.

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