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Could not start zookeeper for kafka on windows

I have the following folder structure:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]


from `C:\Program Files\kafka\kafka_2.11-` frolder I try to execute following command:

bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat config\

and it reponds with following message:

'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I tried to use several another variants but I still see errors:

C:\Program Files\kafka\kafka_2.11->bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat
USAGE: bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat

C:\Program Files\kafka\kafka_2.11->bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat C:\Program Files\kafka\kafka_2.11-\config\
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Program Files\kafka\kafka_2.11->bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat 'C:\Program Files\kafka\kafka_2.11-\config\'
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

What do I wrong?

Paths containing spaces need to be enquoted (i.e. `"C:\Program Files\kafka\"` instead of `C:\Program Files\kafka\`).

The simplest solution would be to move your `kafka` folder to a path which contains no spaces, such as `C:\kafka`, and adjust the configuration file accordingly.

Another option would be to edit your configuration files (and possibly the batch files as well) and to enquote the paths which contain spaces.

A third, unrecommended option would be to use the 8.3 path syntax, which means editing the config and batch files to use `C:\Progra~1\kafka` instead of `C:\Program Files\kafka`

You can try this:

bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .. \ ..\config\

I got the same issue when I want to run server. Actually this had happened due to the long path where you had saved your Kafka Folder. Previously I had saved my Kafka folder in User's Directory ("C:\Users\xxxx\xxxx\kafka_2.13-2.8.0"). So after changing path of my Kafka folder to ("C:\") it got solved.

You can resolve this issue by declaring path in environment variable for your kafka folder like this C:\kafka_2.12-2.8.0\bin\windows and after that open a fresh terminal and try to run the same command and it will work hopefully.

The path is too long, move the folder to "C:\kafka_2.11-" and then run the command again, this should work.

Commands to follow for kafka and zookeeper set up:
1. Download kafka from

[To see links please register here]

And store into D:\Learning\kafka then unzip it there only.

2. Set path in environment veriable as D:\Learning\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.5.0\bin\windows

3. Start the kafka –
Open cmd in D:\Learning\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.5.0\bin\windows> and run

zookeeper-server-start.bat ..\..\config\

Open another cmd in D:\Learning\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.5.0\bin\windows> and run

kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\

4. Create the topic to store your events -
Open another cmd in D:\Learning\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.5.0\bin\windows> and run

kafka-topics.bat --create --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
kafka-topics.bat --describe --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

5. Write some topics into the topic –
Open another cmd in D:\Learning\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.5.0\bin\windows> and run

kafka-console-producer.bat --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
This is my first event
This is my second event

6. Read the events –
Open another cmd in D:\Learning\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.5.0\bin\windows> and run

kafka-console-consumer.bat --topic quickstart-events --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092


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