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Default value for optional generic parameter in Swift function

Is it possible to give an optional generic parameter a default value?

I'm trying to do something like this:

func addChannel<T>(name: String, data: T? = nil) -> Channel {


let myChannel = addChannel("myChannelName")

But I'm getting an error saying

`Argument for generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred`

Is it just a case of what I'm trying to do being impossible?

I encountered a similar issue while defining a complex function with a large number of generics, for which overloading would have resulted in an unmanageable number of variations. Here is the code:

struct Channel{
//Your code here

class ChannelManager{
static let typedNil : Int? = nil //<--- This is what eliminates the error "Argument for generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred"

public static func addChannel<T>(name: String, data: T? = typedNil) -> Channel{
//Your code here
return Channel() //To demonstrate that code compiles

By declaring ```typedNil``` in this manner and using it as a default parameter, the default still is ```nil``` as expected, but the compiler sees it as a ```nil``` ```int``` and so is able to infer the type, avoiding the requirement of adding additional protocol conformance to existing types, or requiring overloads. Note that declaring ```typedNil``` as ```static```, otherwise compilation will fail with the error "Cannot use instance member 'typedNil' as a default parameter."

I use a combination of the existing answers so that I can both call the function without the optional argument and avoid implementing the function twice.

func addChannel(name: String) -> Channel {
addChannel(name: name, data: Optional<Any>.nil)
func addChannel<T>(name: String, data: T? = nil) -> Channel {

As mentioned above you should avoid `Any`. In my case I know that `T` is an `Encodable` so I use this:

struct DefaultEncodable: Encodable {}

func function1(name: String) {
addChannel(name: name, data: Optional<DefaultEncodable>.nil)
func function1<T: Encodable>(name: String, data: T? = nil) {


I ran into the same problem. While not being able to use the generic default traditionally — leaving the argument out completely — I prefer the below to implementing overloads:

let myChannel=addChannel("myChannelName", data: Optional<Any>.none)

It's impossible in the way you've done it. Given just the code above, what type is `T`? The compiler, as it says, can't figure it out (neither can I, and I assume you couldn't either because the data's not there).

The solution to the specific question is to overload rather than use defaults:

func addChannel<T>(name: String, data: T?) -> Channel { ... }

func addChannel(name: String) -> Channel { ... }

let myChannel = addChannel("myChannelName")

But it raises the question of what you're doing here. You would think that `Channel` should be `Channel<T>`. Otherwise, what are you doing with `data`? Without resorting to `Any` (which you should strongly avoid), it's hard to see how your function can do anything but ignore `data`.

With `Channel<T>` you can just use a default, but you'd have to provide the type:

func addChannel<T>(name: String, data: T? = nil) -> Channel<T> { ... }
let myChannel: Channel<Int> = addChannel("myChannelName")

Otherwise the compiler wouldn't know what kind of channel you're making.

(UPDATE ~ Swift 5.2)

Sometimes you'd like a default type for `T`. You can do that with an overload. For example, you might want the default type to be `Never`. In that case, you would add an overload like this:

func addChannel<T>(name: String, data: T? = nil) -> Channel<T> { ... }
func addChannel(name: String) -> Channel<Never> {
addChannel(name: name, data: Optional<Never>.none)

With that, you can have a simpler call:

let myChannel = addChannel(name: "myChannelName") // Channel<Never>

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