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Detected resolved migration not applied to database on flyway

We are using flyway to manage database schema version and we are facing a problem. Since we work as a team and use git as our source code management, there would be some cases that different people update database schema on their own local repo. If that happens, we will get

> Detected resolved migration not applied to database: 2016."

The time "2016." was added by another person and I have already applied some timestamp later than that time. If that happens, we have to clean all database tables and create them again. We have tried to set false on `validateOnMigrate` and did [`flywayClean`][1], but nothing help. Is there another way to change that?


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just add ```spring.flyway.ignore-missing-migrations=true```
to your properties file if you are using spring-boot.

This will ignore previous migrations.

The migration option [`outOfOrder`][1] is your friend here. Set it to true to allow inserting those migrations after the fact.

On the command line, run:

flyway -outOfOrder=true migrate

Or if you use the Maven plugin:

mvn -Dflyway.outOfOrder=true flyway:migrate


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In my case, I just renamed my migration file to some other name and then renamed it back – just to update modification date of the file. And it worked.

You can also put it in your `` file if you want to apply the migrations when starting up the app:


In my case, there was existing a row with version 319 in database and the correponding file for 319 was renamed do 330, so the database registry could not find the corresponding file. Deleting the row from database solved the problem.

I faced similar problem when switching from one git branch to another and tried to run
For example when I was on branch 'release_4.6.0' I didn't have migrations on my local machine from branch 'release_4.7.0' so
I received next error
`FlywayException: Validate failed: Detected applied migration not resolved locally`.
The solution that worked for me is to set `ignoreMissingMigrations` flyway option to true.
In maven it looks like

flyway:migrate -Dflyway.ignoreMissingMigrations=true

Maybe it's not an answer for this question, but it can be helpful for those who faced the same problem as me.

Here you can find more details:

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`outOfOrder` did not fix the problem for us. <br>
Two migrations slipped into one deployment before it got removed.
So we added those migrations back in and undid the changes in another migration. <br>
Worked 🤷

Since `spring.flyway.ignore-missing-migrations=true` became deprecated.
According to [the docs][1] I advise using `spring.flyway.ignore-migration-patterns=*:missing`. Or in the yaml:

- "*:missing"


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