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Express module not found when installed with NPM

Finally with Linux a good way to do is to use the command : `sudo apt-get install node-express`

But with express 4 we must use express-generator to make app skeleton, install it with 'npm install express-generator -g', and then run 'express myapp' command.
see also [install express][1]


[To see links please register here]


It appears that while npm had been updated to install global modules into `/usr/local/lib/node_modules`, Node's own `require.paths` does not yet reflect this change.

There are two reasonable solutions:

1. Add the following code to the top of your application:


- Pro: non-invasive, easy to add

- Con: requires discipline, future versions of node _will_ restrict access to `require.paths`

2. As root, execute:

ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules /usr/local/lib/node

- Pro: reasonably non-invasive

- Con: requires root, modifies linux fs, might not survive system updates

It may happen, if you're using windows, that the environment variable `NODE_PATH` is not set, and thus when you execute `node fileName.js` it won't find the libraries.

Check for the variable on your console, and if not present, create it. Give it the `NODE_HOME\node_modules` value, where `NODE_HOME` is your node install dir. This path is where npm install puts every module upon downloading.

`require.paths` is removed, use the `NODE_PATH` environment variable instead.

For all problems with express with a mac computer:

The solution is:

1. `chown` to your user the .npm folder :

<!-- language: lang-none -->

sudo chown -R Webmaste /Users/webmaste/.npm/

2. At your test folder or your folder:

<!-- language: lang-none -->

sudo npm install -g [email protected]

3. Invoke express from your actual location:

<!-- language: lang-none -->


4. `sudo cd . && npm install`

5. Finally:

<!-- language: lang-none -->

node app


the final message in the console should look like this:

> `Express server listening on port 3000 in development mode`

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