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Flutter JSON Serialization - Not generating *.g.dart files

**Step 1:** Add "part 'your_class_name.g.dart'"

**Step 2:** Run this command on Terminal: flutter pub run build_runner build

part 'student.g.dart'

class Student{

***Do not forget to save the file*** that has the `class` **even if it still has errors**

Then run the command on any terminal (o integrated terminal)...

But for Dart:

pub run build_runner build

And for Flutter:

flutter pub run build_runner build

Official reference link:

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# Checklist

- pubspec.yaml includes 3 packages:
json_annotation: ^4.6.0
build_runner: ^2.2.0
json_serializable: ^6.3.1
- you've run `flutter pub get`
- if you get errors about versions at this stage, try older versions of [json_serializable][1], [json_annotation][2], [build_runner][3]
- note the Min Dart SDK listed on those linked pages
- your pubspec.yaml `environment:` `sdk: "> < x.y.z"`, your `` version must be `>=` than the Min Dart SDK listed on for the package
- if your Dart version is lower, try an older version of the json package which matches or is below your Dart version
- your class files are **underneath /lib or /bin**
- can be subdirectories under those
- json_serializable won't search every directory for files to generate.
- added import for json_annotation:
- `import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';`
- you've added a `part` directive after `import` statements
- your `part` file is named after your class *filename* (not the Class name itself), with a `g` added
- e.g. for `CacheItem` class with ...
- `cache-item.dart` class filename ...
- `part 'cache-item.g.dart';` gets corresponding `part` directive.
- the `part` directive is not named after your actual Class, but the class file name.
- if Android Studio Dart Analyzer continues to give errors about missing `.g.dart` file after you're sure the file has been generated & named correctly, shut down Android Studio and restart it (analyzer sometimes goes insane & this may fix it. Restarting just the analyzer may not work.)
- you've added `@JsonSerializable()` above the class name
- you've created a **default constructor** for your class.
- It can be empty, have optional named parameters, or positional parameters.
- As long as your class fields are accessible (either through constructor or public setters & getters), json_serializable can handle it. (i.e. don't have only _private properties and an empty constructor)
- you've written two methods calling private stub methods:
- a factory `fromJson` method
- e.g.: `factory CacheItem.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) => _CacheItemFromJson(json)`
- a `toJson` method
- e.g.: `Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => _$CacheItemToJson(this)`
- stub methods are private (start with `_` underscore)
- $tub methods have the `$`
- stub methods have proper CaSe (i.e. [Pascal Case][4])
- stub `factory` supplies `(Map<String,dynamic> json)` as argument
- stub `toJson()` returns `Map<String,dynamic>`

When all that is complete, try running the generator from the command line or terminal in the project root directory...

In Flutter:

`flutter pub run build_runner build`

In pure Dart, this depends on your version, but one of these should work:
dart run build_runner build
pub run build_runner build
dart pub run build_runner build

If all goes well, click around in your project file explorer or `Reload from disk` and new files should show up such as `cache-item.g.dart` for the above example.

# Common Errors
#### `Bad state: Unexpected diagnostics:`

Seeing this output when running the build_runner is likely a problem with flutter and `json_annotation` depending on an incompatible version of `analyzer`. This happens with `json_serializable` versions *prior to 3.5* requiring a [dependency_override of analyzer][5] to 0.39.14 or 0.39.17.

Your first move should be to try the latest version of [json_serilizable from][6] which [apparently doesn't have this dependency problem][7].

If you can't upgrade json_serializable you can try placing the override lines underneath `dev_dependences`:

build_runner: ^1.9.0
sdk: flutter
json_serializable: 3.3.0
test: ^1.14.3

analyzer: '0.39.14'


### `[SEVERE] Nothing can be built, yet a build was requested.`

This error can happen when performing a `flutter pub run build_runner build` when we've added dependency in pubspec.yaml for `json_annotation` but are missing a dependency/dev_dependency for `json_serializable`:
sdk: flutter
json_annotation: ^4.3.0

Make sure you've got `json_serializable` package added as either a dependency or dev_dependency:
sdk: flutter
json_annotation: ^4.3.0

build_runner: ^2.1.4
sdk: flutter
json_serializable: ^6.0.1 #// ← do not forget


### [SEVERE] Conflicting outputs were detected
### pub finished with exit code 78

The full error is:
[SEVERE] Conflicting outputs were detected and the build
is unable to prompt for permission to remove them.
These outputs must be removed manually or the build
can be run with `--delete-conflicting-outputs`.
The outputs are: lib/some_generated_file.g.dart

pub finished with exit code 78
If one of the generated files could not be overwritten automatically, you'll get this error.

The fix is to re-run the same build command but with the added optional argument:

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

This will (hopefully) allow previously generated .g.dart files to be deleted and rewritten.


### `Could not generate `fromJson` code for `someField`.`

If you're json serializing a class that contains `someField` which is a Type for another custom class you've created, have you `@JsonSerializable()` that other custom class?

@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class BuildingStatus {
final Building building; // another custom class

BuildingStatus(Building building);

factory BuildingStatus.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) => _$BuildingStatusFromJson(json);
Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => _$BuildingStatusToJson(this);

/// This guy needs serialization too.
class Building {
final String name;

const Building(;

factory Building.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) => _$BuildingFromJson(json);
Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => _$BuildingToJson(this);

Without serializing the nested `Building` class, we'd see an error when running build_runner like:
Could not generate `fromJson` code for `building` because of type `Building`.


### Instance of 'SomeNestedClass'

If we have nested serializable classes, we generally want the serialization to occur recursively. i.e. the nested classes are also serialized.

To do that we would annotate our containing class with `explicitToJson: true` like:
`@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)`

So when we `toJson()` our `BuildingStatus` instance, instead of getting:
{"building": Instance of 'Building'}

... we would get:
{"building": {"name": "Empire State"}}

# Notes

**Subclass / Parent Class**

If your class is a child of a parent class and you want to Serialize fields/properties of child only, you can *annotate only the subclass*. The parent class fields will automatically be found and included in the generated class files for the subclass.

If you want to be able to serialize/deserialize **both** parent and child *separately*, go ahead and annotate the base / parent classes with `@JsonSerializable` as well.

e.g. filename `account.dart`
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'account.g.dart';

class AccountBase {
int? created;
String? username;
String? password;

class Account extends AccountBase {
int? id;


factory Account.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) => _$AccountFromJson(json);
Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => _$AccountToJson(this);


part of 'account.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// JsonSerializableGenerator
// **************************************************************************

Account _$AccountFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Account()
..created = json['created'] as int?
..username = json['username'] as String?
..password = json['password'] as String? = json['id'] as int?;

Map<String, dynamic> _$AccountToJson(Account instance) => <String, dynamic>{
'created': instance.created,
'username': instance.username,
'password': instance.password,

### Reference & Docs
- Example [project on github][8], relevant files under /bin/ and packages in pubspec.yaml
- [Flutter & Json][9]
- [Json_Serializable package][6]
- [Example][10] from the package authors

## Example
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'cache-item.g.dart';

class CacheItem {
int created;
String keywords;
String response;

CacheItem(this.created, this.keywords, this.response);

factory CacheItem.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) => _$CacheItemFromJson(json);
Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => _$CacheItemToJson(this);

### Output

part of 'cache-item.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// JsonSerializableGenerator
// **************************************************************************

CacheItem _$CacheItemFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => CacheItem(
json['created'] as int,
json['keywords'] as String,
json['response'] as String,

Map<String, dynamic> _$CacheItemToJson(CacheItem instance) => <String, dynamic>{
'created': instance.created,
'keywords': instance.keywords,
'response': instance.response,


### Example Constructor Variant
This example is the same as above except the constructor is missing some fields and has `response` as optional.

It's fine.

The generator will just use the public (implicit) setters after instantiating the object to assign the values.
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'cache-item.g.dart';

class CacheItem {
int? created;
String? keywords;
String? response;


factory CacheItem.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) => _$CacheItemFromJson(json);
Map<String,dynamic> toJson() => _$CacheItemToJson(this);

### Output

part of 'cache-item.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// JsonSerializableGenerator
// **************************************************************************

CacheItem _$CacheItemFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => CacheItem(
response: json['response'] as String?,
..created = json['created'] as int?
..keywords = json['keywords'] as String?;

Map<String, dynamic> _$CacheItemToJson(CacheItem instance) => <String, dynamic>{
'created': instance.created,
'keywords': instance.keywords,
'response': instance.response,


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