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Format number using decimal format in kotlin

I am facing an issue where I need to do some calculations with a number like for example **5000,00** multiplied it by (**1,025^3**).

So in this case `5000,00 * (1,025^3) = 5385,45`

So my question is, how can I format the number 5385,45 to be like **5.385,45** using decimal format maybe?

I tried by myself and I did this piece of code that outputs 5385,45 in the app but not **5.385,45**

var interestValue = (5000,00*(Math.pow(1.025,yearValue)))
val number = java.lang.Double.valueOf(interestValue)
val dec = DecimalFormat("#,00")
val credits = dec.format(number)
vValueInterest.text = credits

Try `val dec = DecimalFormat("#.###,00")`. For examples of DecimalFormat check this [link](

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This is the format you need:

val dec = DecimalFormat("#,###.##")
will print:

if you need always exactly 2 digits after the decimal point:

val dec = DecimalFormat("#,###.00")


val num = 1.34567
val df = DecimalFormat("#.##")
df.roundingMode = RoundingMode.CEILING


When you run the program, the output will be:


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fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var A: Double
A = readLine()!!.toDouble()
var bla = A*A
var calculator = 3.14159 * bla

The "most Kotlin-esque" way I found to do this sort of formatting is:

"%,.2f".format(Locale.GERMAN, 1234.5678) // => "1.234,57"
"%,.2f".format(Locale.ENGLISH, 1234.5678) // => "1,234.57"

"%,.2f".format(1234.5678) // => "1,234.57" for me, in en_AU

Note though that even though this is Kotlin's own extension method on `String`, it still only works on the JVM.

For those looking for a multiplatform implementation (as I was), [mp_stools](

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) is one option.

I needed to do something similar but for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMM). I struggled to find a multiplatform solution so I thought I'd post the one I came up with here:

// Common
expect fun Double.formatDecimal(maxFractionDigits: Int = 2): String

// Android
import java.text.DecimalFormat

actual fun Double.formatDecimal(maxFractionDigits: Int): String =
DecimalFormat().apply {
isGroupingUsed = false
minimumFractionDigits = 0
maximumFractionDigits = maxFractionDigits
isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = false

// iOS
import kotlinx.cinterop.convert
import platform.Foundation.NSNumber
import platform.Foundation.NSNumberFormatter
import platform.Foundation.NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle

actual fun Double.formatDecimal(maxFractionDigits: Int): String =
NSNumberFormatter().apply {
minimumFractionDigits = 0u
maximumFractionDigits = maxFractionDigits.convert()
numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle
}.stringFromNumber(number = NSNumber(double = this)) ?: ""

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