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Generate insert script for selected records?

With the **DBeaver** client (which supports SQL Server) you can do a SELECT query with the records that you want and then select the resulting rows, right click and Copy as SQL, and you'll have the INSERT statement in your clipboard:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

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**HeidiSQL** also supports connecting to SQL Server and exporting selected rows (you can filter the rows in the SQL query itself, or retrieve all rows and select them in the data grid):

[![enter image description here][2]][2]



Use Navicat
1. Filter your data in table or write your query

[![First Step][1]][1]

2. Select row and right click it > Copy AS > Select "Insert Statement" or "Update Statement"

[![Second Step][2]][2]

3. Paste in New Query in MS SQL Server Management Studio or other IDE

[![Third Step][3]][3]




I was actually able to accomplish this in SSMS without add ins or procs in just a few steps. 1) If you don't want the whole table, select the columns and records needed into a new table in the database: `SELECT col1, col2 ... INTO TempRecs` 2) Use the generate scripts feature of SSMS to generate the INSERT statements by right clicking the database (Tasks > Generate Scripts > Choose Objects > Select the temp table > Click Advanced button > Change "Types of data to script" to "Data only" > Finish). 3) Do a find and replace for the resultant INSERT statements on the temp table name to the desired import table name.

Import data doesn't have insert but I found very simple solution.

1. Create new table with same table structure of your selected existing table.
2. Use statement "Insert into NewTable select * from ExistingTable where Fk_CompanyId = 1"
3. Task -> Generate Script -> select your new table

It can be generate using the follow method:

select ProductName, Fk_CompanyId, Price from [Table] where Fk_CompanyId = 1

In the Result section, use mouse to right click, from the menu select Generate script As, INSERT:


INSERT INTO [Table] (ProductName, Fk_CompanyId, Price) VALUES
(N'AMX', 1, 10),
(N'ABC', 1, 11),
(N'APEX', 1, 12),
(N'AMX', 1, 10),
(N'ABC', 1, 11),
(N'APEX', 1, 12)

Use **Redgate**

Select rows you want

Click *Script as INSERT*

It will automatically generate insert statement for selected rows

[![enter image description here][1]][1]


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