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Get immediate subdirectories in ruby

I'm trying to write a simple ruby script that will copy a file to the immediate subdirectories of a directory. How would I get only the immediate subdirectories?

Based on @glenra's answer but without changing the directory permanently (which may cause issues with `pry`):

def folders
Dir.chdir("/some/path/you/want/to/check/below") {
Dir["*"].reject{|o| not}

puts folders # ["all", "the", "folders"]
binding.pry # yay, works


Probably the best way of dealing with files in Ruby is [`Pathname`][1]. It combines class methods from a few file-based modules into one nice-to-use OOP class. So you don't need to pass the value into a method like you'd have to with `Dir` or `File`, you can just call the method on the object itself.

Here's how to print immediate subdirectories:

require 'pathname'

puts Pathname('some/directory')


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Assuming you only wanted the *immediate* subdirectories, you could use `Dir['*/']` (which combines Micheal Sepcot's and glenra's answers).

If you mean to find all the *immediate* subdirectories (just one level below where you are), try this:

subdir_list=Dir["*"].reject{|o| not}

That is: change directory someplace, construct an array of files found there, reject those array elements that aren't directories, and return the resulting culled arrray.

`Dir.glob("**/")` will return an array of all paths underneath the current directory. From there you can filter the list and copy a file with `File.copy(from, to)`

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