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Gradle Error: Path is not a readable directory for an Android Project saved in OneDrive

I tried to use a OneDrive folder to store my Flutter project [Windows 10, Android Studio]. I then made edits to it on another machine [same configurations]. The project compiled fine on the first machine initially and on the second one after the changes. Running it on the first machine again after the changes I get the below error:

Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.

Path "build/[package]/intermediaries/compiled_local_resources" is not a readable directory.

I've tried a number of solutions mentioned in similar, though not equivalent issues:

1. Updating Android Studio
2. Running Android Studio as Administrator
3. Removing the [package] from my dependencies (this resulted in a
different package being identified in the error message).

4. Pressing File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...

5. Commenting out
"org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M" in
6. Doing:
cd android
gradlew clean
None of this worked.

In the end the only thing that worked for me was pushing the project up to a Git remote and cloning it from there into another (local) directory.

[not sure this counts as a solution but nothing else worked for me after a long agonising search so hopefully it helps someone]

I had the same problem today:

Path "build/[package]/intermediaries/compiled_local_resources/debug/out" is not a readable directory.

I was able to fix this issue by deleting the .gradle and rebuilding the project.

I know the OP had Windows, but if it helps anyone else in the future:

On Mac OS I discovered (the hard way) that Android Studio and Flutter do not play nice with being stored in iCloud! I noticed that some files weren't available locally and that's what was causing the problem for me. I moved my project out of iCloud (forcing it to download the missing files forever) and then it was fine.

I had the same issue, came out of no where and it really shouldn't make the build fail... but all I did was create the (empty) directory that it was looking for and it built fine afterwards.

All I did was create the (empty) directory that it was looking for and it built fine afterward.

mkdir -p compiled_local_resources/debug/out

+1 also to the #1 answer (Vadow). As I do not have 50 points yet was not able to add this as a comment, so will have to post separately.

Like the OP, I have two machines - and got into trouble (Synology Drive). Vadow's solution worked for me, but I also had to do:

- Flutter Clean
- Flutter Pub Get

on the terminal and from within the project directory to get things follow back up and running.

Thank you Stackoverflow, and thank you Vadow!

Deleting the `android/.gradle` folder worked for me.

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