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Hacxx Quiz 4 - Test if you worth your skills...

Question: 60 + 23
Answer: 83

Question: 24 + 44
Answer: 68

Question: Where do we live?
Answer: On the Moon
Answer: On a Star
Answer: On Planet Earth
Answer: On a Comet

Question: What article is given for illegal access to computer information in the Russian Federation?
Answer: Article 272

Question: Enter any 3 five-letter words here:
Answer: alpha bravo tango

Question: What is the third letter in the name hacker?
Answer: c

Question: What yellow fruit is the WiFi pentesting product from Hak5?
Answer: Pineapple

Question: What is seven plus 8?
Answer: 15

Question: What is called the internet supervisor from Russia?
Answer: Roskomnadzor

Question: What is SSID?
Answer: Router name

Question: What is HTML?
Response: A programing language

Question: What is JS?
Response: A programing language

Question: 48 + 37 =
Response: 85

Question: 9 x 3 =
Response: 27

Question: 22 - 18 =
Response: 4

Question: How Many Minutes Are In One Hour? =
Response: 60

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