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Has anyone been successful getting Joomla running under IIS/Phalanger?

Has anyone been successful getting Joomla running under **IIS/Phalanger**?

I have gone through the Phalanger 3.0 installation, followed the instructions on making Joomla a app that runs using the Phalanger compiler, but for some reason I get an error before the app even starts up:

Error: Class 'JLogEntry' not found in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\nfspv3\libraries\joomla\log\log.php on line 169, column 4.

I was running Joomla 2.5 on `IIS/MySQL` prior to installing Phalanger 3.0 so I am wondering if it's an issue with the Phalanger compiler not interpreting the PHP right? Would be good to know if anyone has Joomla working with Phalanger ok.

The error is telling you that the class `JLogEntry` hasn't been defined, yet it has been referenced by something the expects it to be defined. This means a dependency wasn't satisfied. Your `log.php` is dependant on a file that defines the `JLogEntry` class. The `JLogEntry` class is defined in `entry.php` according to this:

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and this:

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So for whatever reason you're not satisfying that dependency. If I was on your system I'd poke around for that file, check if it exists, is corrupt, correctly versioned, or otherwise prevented from being executed.

If you still suspect something is hinky with your Phalanger compiler then test it. Write a simple ["hello world"][1] and prove whether it works or not. Infact do it in the same file (after backing up the file) to prove whether it's executing. The compiler is working at some level or else it wouldn't be showing you error messages.


According to @highcore the Phalanger 3.0 compiler fails to implement regular expressions in the way Joomla expects. Joomla relies on this to resolve the filenames it will include. Thus, `entry.php` is never included leaving `JLogEntry` undefined. The suggested work around is to avoid reg ex and split the file names.


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