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Hidden features of Ruby

Use a Range object as an infinite lazy list:

Inf = 1.0 / 0

(1..Inf).take(5) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

More info here:

[To see links please register here]


class A


def my_private_method
puts 'private method called'

a =
a.my_private_method # Raises exception saying private method was called
a.send :my_private_method # Calls my_private_method and prints private method called'

James A. Rosen's tip is cool ([*items].each), but I find that it destroys hashes:

irb(main):001:0> h = {:name => "Bob"}
=> {:name=>"Bob"}
irb(main):002:0> [*h]
=> [[:name, "Bob"]]

I prefer this way of handling the case when I accept a list of things to process but am lenient and allow the caller to supply one:

irb(main):003:0> h = {:name => "Bob"}
=> {:name=>"Bob"}
irb(main):004:0> [h].flatten
=> [{:name=>"Bob"}]

This can be combined with a method signature like so nicely:

def process(*entries)
[entries].flatten.each do |e|
# do something with e

The "ruby" binary (at least MRI's) supports a lot of the switches that made perl one-liners quite popular.

Significant ones:

- -n Sets up an outer loop with just "gets" - which magically works with given filename or STDIN, setting each read line in $_
- -p Similar to -n but with an automatic `put`s at the end of each loop iteration
- -a Automatic call to .split on each input line, stored in $F
- -i In-place edit input files
- -l Automatic call to .chomp on input
- -e Execute a piece of code
- -c Check source code
- -w With warnings

Some examples:

# Print each line with its number:
ruby -ne 'print($., ": ", $_)' < /etc/irbrc

# Print each line reversed:
ruby -lne 'puts $_.reverse' < /etc/irbrc

# Print the second column from an input CSV (dumb - no balanced quote support etc):
ruby -F, -ane 'puts $F[1]' < /etc/irbrc

# Print lines that contain "eat"
ruby -ne 'puts $_ if /eat/i' < /etc/irbrc

# Same as above:
ruby -pe 'next unless /eat/i' < /etc/irbrc

# Pass-through (like cat, but with possible line-end munging):
ruby -p -e '' < /etc/irbrc

# Uppercase all input:
ruby -p -e '$_.upcase!' < /etc/irbrc

# Same as above, but actually write to the input file, and make a backup first with extension .bak - Notice that inplace edit REQUIRES input files, not an input STDIN:
ruby -i.bak -p -e '$_.upcase!' /etc/irbrc

Feel free to google "ruby one-liners" and "perl one-liners" for tons more usable and practical examples. It essentially allows you to use ruby as a fairly powerful replacement to awk and sed.

**Auto-vivifying hashes in Ruby**

def cnh # silly name "create nested hash" {|h,k| h[k] =}
my_hash = cnh
my_hash[1][2][3] = 4
my_hash # => { 1 => { 2 => { 3 =>4 } } }

This can just be damn handy.

`Fixnum#to_s(base)` can be really useful in some case. One such case is generating random (pseudo)unique tokens by converting random number to string using base of 36.

Token of length 8:

rand(36**8).to_s(36) => "fmhpjfao"
rand(36**8).to_s(36) => "gcer9ecu"
rand(36**8).to_s(36) => "krpm0h9r"

Token of length 6:

rand(36**6).to_s(36) => "bvhl8d"
rand(36**6).to_s(36) => "lb7tis"
rand(36**6).to_s(36) => "ibwgeh"

Boolean operators on non boolean values.

`&&` and `||`

Both return the value of the last expression evaluated.

Which is why the `||=` will update the variable with the value returned expression on the right side if the variable is undefined. This is not explicitly documented, but common knowledge.

However the `&&=` isn't quite so widely known about.

string &&= string + "suffix"

is equivalent to

if string
string = string + "suffix"

It's very handy for destructive operations that should not proceed if the variable is undefined.

@user #=> nil (but I did't know) rescue "Unknown"


Wow, no one mentioned the flip flop operator:

1.upto(100) do |i|
puts i if (i == 3)..(i == 15)

**each_with_index** method for any enumarable object ( array,hash,etc.) perhaps?

myarray = ["la", "li", "lu"]
myarray.each_with_index{|v,idx| puts "#{idx} -> #{v}"}

#0 -> la
#1 -> li
#2 -> lu

Maybe it's more well known than other answers but not that well known for all ruby programmers :)

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