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How can I automate the process of customizing the command prompt?

I spend most of my time on command line ( XP / 7 ) and always find myself customizing the command prompt according to my preferences. This applies to both cmd and powershell prompt.

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Font: Lucida Console
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Text Color: RGB(100,150,200)
QuickEdit Mode: Enabled

Whenever I am on a new server, I would need to do this all over again. How can I automate this process by putting these parameters in a batch file or PowerShell script?


You can use the Registry provider in PowerShell along with the `*-Item` and `*-ItemProperty` cmdlets to modify the registry values under this registry key: `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console`.

You can look into making calls to update the Windows registry.
For example,

REG.EXE add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

will set QuickEdit as the default mode for your command prompt.
It's easy to slap this line into a batch file, along with other settings.

- `add Keyname` will chose the Key name where to add the value, here HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console
- `/v` is followed by the name of the value to add
- `/t` followed by its type
- `/d` is followed by the data with which to set the name of the value
- `/f` to force write in the registry without prompt

Likewise, you can modify `WindowSize` which contains 0xhhhhwwww where the first four bytes is the value of the height in hexa (e.g. 0x003E for a height of 62 pixels) and www is the window's width. For your case:

REG.EXE add HKCU\Console /v WindowSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0028008c /f

Type `REG /?` and `REG add /?` for more options.

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