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How can I pass arguments to a batch file?

This technique has a bit of an overhead as you'll see, but it makes my batch files very easy to understand and quick to implement. As well as supporting the following structures:

>template.bat [-f] [--flag] [--namedvalue value] arg1 [arg2][arg3][...]
The jist of it is having the `:init`, `:parse`, and `:main` functions.

## template.bat ##

@echo off
goto :init

echo %__NAME% v%__VERSION%
echo This is a sample batch file template,
echo providing command-line arguments and flags.
goto :eof

echo USAGE:
echo %__BAT_NAME% [flags] "required argument" "optional argument"
echo. /?, --help shows this help
echo. /v, --version shows the version
echo. /e, --verbose shows detailed output
echo. -f, --flag value specifies a named parameter value
goto :eof

if "%~1"=="full" call :header & goto :eof
echo %__VERSION%
goto :eof

call :header
call :usage
goto :eof

set "__NAME=%~n0"
set "__VERSION=1.24"
set "__YEAR=2023"

set "__BAT_FILE=%~0"
set "__BAT_PATH=%~dp0"
set "__BAT_NAME=%~nx0"

set "OptHelp="
set "OptVersion="
set "OptVerbose="

set "UnNamedArgument="
set "UnNamedOptionalArg="
set "NamedFlag="

if "%~1"=="" goto :validate

if /i "%~1"=="/?" call :header & call :usage "%~2" & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="-?" call :header & call :usage "%~2" & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="--help" call :header & call :usage "%~2" & goto :end

if /i "%~1"=="/v" call :version & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="-v" call :version & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="--version" call :version full & goto :end

if /i "%~1"=="/e" set "OptVerbose=yes" & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="-e" set "OptVerbose=yes" & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="--verbose" set "OptVerbose=yes" & shift & goto :parse

if /i "%~1"=="--flag" set "NamedFlag=%~2" & shift & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="-f" set "NamedFlag=%~2" & shift & shift & goto :parse

if not defined UnNamedArgument set "UnNamedArgument=%~1" & shift & goto :parse
if not defined UnNamedOptionalArg set "UnNamedOptionalArg=%~1" & shift & goto :parse

goto :parse

if not defined UnNamedArgument call :missing_argument & goto :end

if defined OptVerbose (
echo **** DEBUG IS ON

echo UnNamedArgument: "%UnNamedArgument%"

if defined UnNamedOptionalArg echo UnNamedOptionalArg: "%UnNamedOptionalArg%"
if not defined UnNamedOptionalArg echo UnNamedOptionalArg: not provided

if defined NamedFlag echo NamedFlag: "%NamedFlag%"
if not defined NamedFlag echo NamedFlag: not provided

call :cleanup
exit /B

REM The cleanup function is only really necessary if you
REM are _not_ using SETLOCAL.
set "__NAME="
set "__VERSION="
set "__YEAR="

set "__BAT_FILE="
set "__BAT_PATH="
set "__BAT_NAME="

set "OptHelp="
set "OptVersion="
set "OptVerbose="

set "UnNamedArgument="
set "UnNamedArgument2="
set "NamedFlag="

goto :eof

| Example usage | returns |
| ---------------------------- | -------------- |
|template.bat<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>|template v1.24<br>This is a sample batch file template,<br>providing command-line arguments and flags.<br><br>USAGE:<br>template.bat [flags] "required argument" "optional argument"<br> <br>/?, --help shows this help<br>/v, --version shows the version<br>/e, --verbose shows detailed output<br>-f, --flag value specifies a named parameter value<br><br>**** MISSING "REQUIRED ARGUMENT" ****<br>|
|template.bat /? <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>|template v1.24<br>This is a sample batch file template,<br>providing command-line arguments and flags.<br><br>USAGE:<br>template.bat [flags] "required argument" "optional argument"<br> <br>/?, --help shows this help<br>/v, --version shows the version<br>/e, --verbose shows detailed output<br>-f, --flag value specifies a named parameter value|
|template.bat --v | 1.24 |
|template.bat --version <br><br><br>| template v1.24<br>This is a sample batch file template,<br>providing command-line arguments and flags. |
|template.bat -e arg1 <br><br><br><br>|**** DEBUG IS ON<br>UnNamedArgument: "arg1"<br>UnNamedOptionalArg: not provided<br>NamedFlag: not provided|
|template.bat --flag "my flag" arg1 arg2 <br> <i>(without -e)</i><br><br> | UnNamedArgument: "arg1" <br>UnNamedOptionalArg: "arg2"<br>NamedFlag: "my flag" |
|template.bat --verbose "argument #1" --flag "my flag" second<br><br><br>|**** DEBUG IS ON<br>UnNamedArgument: "argument #1"<br>UnNamedOptionalArg: "second"<br>NamedFlag: "my flag"|

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