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How case works in if-case

An old C programmer could use some help with Swift.

I don't understanding something about the if-case syntax. E.g.:

if case 20...30 = age {
print ("in range.")

The `case 20...30 = age` appears to be the conditional test for the `if` statement. So I was initially confused to see the assignment operator ('=') used instead of a comparison operator ('==').

Ok, I thought to myself, that probably means the `case` statement is actually a function call that returns a boolean value. The returned value will then satisfy the comparison test in the `if` statement.

As an experiment, I tried treating the the `case` statement like a regular conditional test and placed parentheses around it. Swift will happily accept `if (x == 5)` or `if (true)`. But `if (case 20...30 = age)` generates an error. So the `case` statement doesn't seem to behave like function.

I'm just curious to understand what's happening here. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

# Range Containment
Use the [~=][1] operator, as @Alexander mentioned.
if (1...10).contains(n) {

switch n {
case 1...10: print("pass")
default: print("bug")

if case 1...10 = n {

if 1...10 ~= n {
You can even do Ranges of Characters:
if "a"..."z" ~= "a" {

# Overloading ~=
I made a couple overloads, so that you can not only check for Range, but also Arrays and Sets
func ~=<T: Equatable> (pattern: [T], value: T) -> Bool { return pattern.contains(value) }
func ~=<T: Equatable> (pattern: Set<T>, value: T) -> Bool { return pattern.contains(value) }
func ~=<T: Equatable> (pattern: Set<T>, value: Set<T>) -> Bool { return pattern.union(value).count < pattern.count + value.count }
Which allows you to do this:
if [1, 2, 3] ~= 2 {

if [1, 2, 3] ~= [3, 4, 5] {

# Tuples

However, when using tuples, you'll still have to use **if case**

if case (1...10, 1...10) = (number1, number1) {
You can even do the ```_``` syntactic sugar
if case (1...10, _) = (number1, number1) {

# Optionals
if case .some = Optional(number) {

if case .some(let x) = Optional(number) {

if case let x? = Optional(number) {


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Even though the correct answer has already been given, still there is one option left:

`20...30` is a **ClosedRange** and has a built-in method which is more readable that can do work for you: `contains`

if (20...30).contains(age) {
print ("in range.")

Just another note about these Swift operators. One must remember that Swift has a very advanced and abstracted compiler, so keywords are just keywords, and their behavior depends on their usage.
Unlike C (and other syntactically related languages from C++ to JavaScript), where `if` is simply used to test a Boolean value (or something that can be converted to one), in Swift, the concept of the `if` statement is much more broad. **I generally think of it gating access to a scope by using a variety of techniques, including Boolean tests.**

You can think of `if`, `guard`, `while`, and `repeat`-`while` as more general control flow statements, with much more advanced behavior. Certainly they can still test a Boolean value, but they can also test other conditions as well. In your scenario, the condition being tested is whether some variable matches a defined pattern (does `age` match the pattern `20...30`).

You can also test whether a variable was successfully set to a non-`nil` value (`if let`). The result of the `let` operation doesn't ever return a Boolean, but since it occurs within the `if` statement, the Swift runtime knows that it's part of the control flow. Also note that this slightly changes the behavior of `let`, insofar as any code inside the `if` block now sees the new non-`nil` value and is assured it's not `nil`.

These behaviors can also be combined with commas, like this:

if !skipAgeTest, // `if` tests a Boolean
let age = Double(ageString), // `if` tests optional assignment
case 20...30 = age // `if` tests pattern matching
// `age` variable exists and is not `nil` and is between `20` and `30`, inclusive

so the concept of `if let` or `if case` being separate operators is... not exactly thinking about it in the right way.

And like I said, this syntax is also valid in other control flows:

while !skipAgeTest,
let age = Double(ageString),
case 20...30 = age {
// `age` is validated
// Probably also change `ageString` while we're in here

guard !skipAgeTest,
let age = Double(ageString),
case 20...30 = age
else {
// `age` is invalid, and not available in this block
// `age` is valid


@matt does a good job of explaining what that code does. I'm here to suggest a better alternative.

You can use the [`~=`][1] operator to check ranges. It's a regular operator/function that just returns a `Bool`, with no special language magic.

if 20...30 ~= age {
print ("in range.")


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The operator is `if case`, so you can't put parentheses. The syntax and behavior are based on those of the `case` statement in a Swift `switch` statement (see [my online book](

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) if you need details). In a `case` statement, `20...30` is an interval, used as a _pattern_, which operates by using `contains` against the interval. The equals sign is indeed truly confusing, but that was their first attempt at a syntax for expressing what the `case` statement should be comparing with (i.e. the _tag_ that comes after the `switch` keyword in a `switch` statement).

So, if you understand this:

switch age {
case 20...30:
// do stuff

... then you understand how it is morphed directly into this:

if case 20...30 = age {
// do stuff


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