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How do I correctly convert a HashTable to JSON in PowerShell?

I'm using PowerShell to send a `POST` request to a `REST API`. The body of the request looks like this:

"title": "game result",
"attachments": [{
"image_url": "http://contoso/",
"title": "good work!"
"fields": [{
"title": "score",
"value": "100"
"title": "bonus",
"value": "50"

Now, the following PowerShell script produces the wrong output:

$fields = @(@{title='score'; value='100'},@{title='bonus'; value='10'})
$fieldsWrap = @{fields=$fields}
#$fieldsWrap | ConvertTo-Json
$attachments = @(@{title='good work!';image_url='http://contoso'},$fieldsWrap)
$body = @{title='game results';attachments=$attachments}
$json = $body | ConvertTo-Json

Line 3 (if uncommented) produces the correct output, however line 7 produces:

"attachments": [{
"image_url": "http://contoso",
"title": "good work!"
"fields": "System.Collections.Hashtable System.Collections.Hashtable"
"title": "game result"

It obviously writes out the type name of the `HashTable`, which is the default `ToString()` implementation I assume.
How do I get the correct output?

This gives the JSON output you want:

title = "game result"
attachments = @(
image_url = "http://contoso/"
title = "good work!"
fields = @(
title = "score"
value = "100"
title = "bonus"
value = "50"
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4

Wouldn't have worked without Martin Brandl's advice, though :)

The [ConvertTo-Json][1] cmdlet has a `-depth` parameter which:

> Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the
> JSON representation. The default value is 2.

Thus, you have to increase it:

$body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4


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