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How do I make case-insensitive queries on Mongodb?

1. With Mongoose (and Node), this worked:

- `User.find({ email: /^[email protected]$/i })`

- `User.find({ email: new RegExp(`\`^${emailVariable}$\`, 'i') })

2. In MongoDB, this worked:

- `db.users.find({ email: { $regex: /^[email protected]$/i }})`

Both lines are case-insensitive. The email in the DB could be `[email protected]` and both lines will still find the object in the DB.

Likewise, we could use `/^[email protected]$/i` and it would still find email: `[email protected]` in the DB.

**... with mongoose on NodeJS that query:**

const countryName =;

{ 'country': new RegExp(`^${countryName}$`, 'i') };


const countryName =;

{ 'country': { $regex: new RegExp(`^${countryName}$`), $options: 'i' } };

// ^australia$


const countryName =;

{ 'country': { $regex: new RegExp(`^${countryName}$`, 'i') } };

// ^turkey$

**A full code example in Javascript, NodeJS with Mongoose ORM on MongoDB**

// get all customers that given country name
app.get('/customers/country/:countryName', (req, res) => {
//res.send(`Got a GET request at /customer/country/${req.params.countryName}`);

const countryName = req.params.countryName;

// using Regular Expression (case intensitive and equal): ^australia$

// const query = { 'country': new RegExp(`^${countryName}$`, 'i') };
// const query = { 'country': { $regex: new RegExp(`^${countryName}$`, 'i') } };
const query = { 'country': { $regex: new RegExp(`^${countryName}$`), $options: 'i' } };

Customer.find(query).sort({ name: 'asc' })
.then(customers => {
.catch(error => {
// error..

This will work perfectly\
```db.collection.find({ song_Name: { '$regex': searchParam, $options: 'i' } })```

Just have to add in your regex ```$options: 'i'``` where **i** is case-insensitive.

Regex queries will be slower than index based queries.

You can create an index with specific collation as below \
`db.collection.createIndex({field:1},{collation: {locale:'en',strength:2}},{background : true});`

The above query will create an index that ignores the case of the string. The collation needs to be specified with each query so it uses the case insensitive index.


*Note* - if you don't specify the collation with each query, query will not use the new index.

Refer to the mongodb doc here for more info -

[To see links please register here]


I have solved it like this.

var thename = 'Andrew';
db.collection.find({'name': {'$regex': thename,$options:'i'}});
If you want to query for case-insensitive and exact, then you can go like this.

var thename = '^Andrew$';
db.collection.find({'name': {'$regex': thename,$options:'i'}});

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