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How do I run two commands in one line in Windows CMD?

I want to run two commands in a Windows CMD console.

In Linux I would do it like this

touch thisfile ; ls -lstrh

How is it done on Windows?


You can use & to run commands one after another. Example: `c:\dir & vim myFile.txt`

If you want to create a cmd shortcut (for example on your desktop) add /k parameter (/k means keep, /c will close window):

cmd /k echo hello && cd c:\ && cd Windows

`cmd /c ipconfig /all & Output.txt`

This command execute command and open `Output.txt` file in a single command

So, I was trying to enable the specific task of running `RegAsm` (register assembly) from a context menu. The issue I had was that the result would flash up and go away before I could read it. So I tried piping to `Pause`, which does not work when the command fails (as mentioned here

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and here

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). So I tried `cmd /k` but that leaves the window open for more commands (I just want to read the result). So I added a `pause` followed by `exit` to the chain, resulting in the following:

`cmd /k C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe "%1" /codebase \"%1\" & pause & exit`

This works like a charm -- RegAsm runs on the file and shows its results, then a "Press any key to continue..." prompt is shown, then the command prompt window closes when a key is pressed.

P.S. For others who might be interested, you can use the following .reg file entries to add a dllfile association to .dll files and then a RegAsm command extension to that (notice the escaped quotes and backslashes):

"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"

@="Application Extension"

@="Register Assembly"

@="cmd /k C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\regasm.exe \"%1\" /codebase \"%1\" & pause & exit"

Now I have a nice right-click menu to register an assembly.

You can use *call* to overcome the problem of environment variables being evaluated too soon - e.g.

set A=Hello & call echo %A%

In order to execute two commands at the same time, you must put an & (ampersand) symbol between the two commands. Like so:

color 0a & start chrome.exe


`&` is the Bash equivalent for `;` ( run commands) and `&&` is the Bash equivalent of `&&` (run commands only when the previous has not caused an error).

No, `cd / && tree && echo %time%`. The time echoed is at when the first command is executed.

The piping has some issue, but it is not critical as long as people know how it works.

I try to have two pings in the same window, and it is a serial command on the same line. After finishing the first, run the second command.

The solution was to combine with `start /b` on a Windows 7 command prompt.

Start as usual, without `/b`, and launch in a separate window.

The command used to launch in the same line is:

start /b command1 parameters & command2 parameters

Any way, if you wish to parse the output, I don't recommend to use this.
I noticed the output is scrambled between the output of the commands.


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