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How to access extension of UIColor in Swift?

I am very new to swift and trying to create an extension of UIColor class as

extension UIColor{

func getCustomBlueColor() -> UIColor {
return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00)


After this I accessed the method as

btnShare.setTitleColor(UIColor.getCustomBlueColor(**UIColor**), forState: UIControlState.Normal)

I don't know what I should pass as an argument to this statement.

UIColor Extension **Swift 5**
extension UIColor {
static var yourColor:UIColor {
return UIColor(red: 0.745, green: 0.157, blue: 0.074, alpha: 1)

**Use :**
view.backgroundColor = .yourColor

Swift 3, Swift 4, Swift 5:

extension UIColor {
static let myBlue = UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588, alpha:1.00)


btnShare.setTitleColor(.myBlue, for: .normal)

self.view.backgroundColor = .myBlue

If you use Color Set in *.xcassets (iOS11+).
For example, you have a color with the name «appBlue». Then:

extension UIColor {

private static func getColorForName(_ colorName: String) -> UIColor {
UIColor(named: colorName) ??

static var appBlue: UIColor {


self.view.backgroundColor = .appBlue

With Swift 3, predefined UIColors are used accordingly:

var myColor: UIColor = .white // or .clear or whatever

Therefore, if you want something similar, such as the following...

var myColor: UIColor = .myCustomColor

...then, you would define the extension like so:

extension UIColor {

public class var myCustomColor: UIColor {
return UIColor(red: 248/255, green: 248/255, blue: 248/255, alpha: 1.0)


In fact, Apple defines white as:

public class var white: UIColor

Get the this extension for customize type UIView

extension UIColor {
// Method returns a custom color
static func rgb(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat) -> UIColor {
return .init(red: blue / 255, green: green / 255, blue: blue / 255, alpha: 1.0)


extension UIColor {
open class var yourOrange: UIColor {
return UIColor.init(colorLiteralRed: 0.988, green: 0.337, blue: 0.063, alpha: 1)

Could use a computed property:

extension UIColor {
var customBlueColor: UIColor {
return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00)

And then to call it:


You have defined an *instance method*, which means that you can call
it only on an `UIColor` instance:

let col = UIColor().getCustomBlueColor()
// or in your case:
btnShare.setTitleColor(UIColor().getCustomBlueColor(), forState: .Normal)

The compiler error "missing argument" occurs because
[Instance Methods are Curried Functions in Swift](

[To see links please register here]

so it could equivalently be called as

let col = UIColor.getCustomBlueColor(UIColor())()

(But that would be a strange thing to do, and I have added it only to
explain where the error message comes from.)


But what you really want is a *type method* (`class func`)

extension UIColor{
class func getCustomBlueColor() -> UIColor{
return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00)

which is called as

let col = UIColor.getCustomBlueColor()
// or in your case:
btnShare.setTitleColor(UIColor.getCustomBlueColor(), forState: .Normal)

without the need to create an `UIColor` instance first.

You defined a instance function. It means you need an instance of `UIColor` in case to use `getCustomBlueColor()`-method.

It looks like you want to have a class method, instead of the instance method. So you have to change your definition like this:

<!-- language: swift -->

extension UIColor{
class func getCustomBlueColor() -> UIColor{
return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00)

Note the 'class' before func, so the method is now accessible as a class method.

The same story using class methods in a structure:

<!-- language: swift -->

struct MyColors{
static func getCustomBlueColor() -> UIColor{
return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00)
let color = MyColors.getCustomBlueColor()

If you just want to have a class with some color definitions, I recommend you to use a struct over a class or extension:
<!-- language: swift -->

struct MyColors{
static var getCustomBlueColor = { return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00) }
let color = MyColors.getCustomBlueColor()

You just need to change your statement like,

btnShare.setTitleColor(UIColor().getCustomBlueColor(), forState:.Normal)

More detailed explanation is [here][1].

[1]: "videoquot;"

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