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How to access values from Android "strings.xml" in Kotlin

How can I access values from the Android **strings.xml** using Kotlin?

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), View.OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(p0: View?) {
TODO("not implemented")

private fun getToastCalled(message: String) {
TODO("not implemented")

var btn: Button? = null;

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
var tv_name=findViewById( as TextView
btn=findViewById( as Button
(btn as Button).setOnClickListener(MainActivity@this)

If you need to access the entire array:

val data= resources.getStringArray(R.array.array_id)

Use the format - R.string.string_name

Reference it explicitly for example:


Given your XML file has the following as part of the resources:

<string name="loadingText">The actual text to be displayed</string>

Accessing string values in Kotlin works exactly the same as it does in Java, just with Kotlin syntax:

val string: String = getString(R.string.your_string_id)

(This assumes that your code is inside an Android `Activity`, or a similar class that inherits from `Context`. If not, you need to get a `Context` instance from somewhere, and change it to `myContext.getString(...)`.)

If it helps this is how I did it - you need the application context and also to import the R Class

import com.example.yourpackagename.R

I used it for titlebar, but my app crashed.

private var title: String = getString(R.string.profile)

You can access string values simply through - `"@string/variable_name"`.

For instance - if strings.xml contains entry like `<string name="app_name">Tip Time</string>`, then you can access it using -


To use strings.xml in my code I do the following:
`textView.text = "${getString(R.string.my_text)}"`

if you're accessing it outside oncreate then


[@Robin's answer][1] almost worked for me, but if I don't add `this.resources` before the `getString(` my app just keeps crashing.

So to access a string value from within the ***strings.xml*** file in ***Kotlin*** use:

Or simply:


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