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How to check if UILabel is truncated?

I have a `UILabel` that can be varying lengths depending on whether or not my app is running in portrait or landscape mode on an iPhone or iPad. When the text is too long to show on one line and it truncates I want the user to be able to press it and get a popup of the full text.

How can I check to see if the `UILabel` is truncating the text? Is it even possible? Right now I'm just checking for different lengths based on what mode I'm in but it does not work super well.

you can make a category with UILabel

- (BOOL)isTextTruncated

CGRect testBounds = self.bounds;
testBounds.size.height = NSIntegerMax;
CGRect limitActual = [self textRectForBounds:[self bounds] limitedToNumberOfLines:self.numberOfLines];
CGRect limitTest = [self textRectForBounds:testBounds limitedToNumberOfLines:self.numberOfLines + 1];
return limitTest.size.height>limitActual.size.height;

Because all the answers above use depreciated methods, i thought this could be useful:

- (BOOL)isLabelTruncated:(UILabel *)label
BOOL isTruncated = NO;

CGRect labelSize = [label.text boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeFromString(label.text) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : label.font} context:nil];

if (labelSize.size.width / labelSize.size.height > label.numberOfLines) {

isTruncated = YES;

return isTruncated;

To add to what [@iDev][1] did, I modified the `self.frame.size.height` to use `label.frame.size.height` and also did not use `NSStringDrawingUsesLineFontLeading`. After those modifications, I achieved perfect calculation of when the truncation would happen (at least for my case).

- (BOOL)isTruncated:(UILabel *)label {
CGSize sizeOfText = [label.text boundingRectWithSize: CGSizeMake(label.bounds.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)
options: (NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin)
attributes: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:label.font forKey:NSFontAttributeName] context: nil].size;

if (label.frame.size.height < ceilf(sizeOfText.height)) {
return YES;
return NO;


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To add to [iDev][1] 's answer, you should use `intrinsicContentSize` instead of `frame`, to make it works for Autolayout

- (BOOL)isTruncated:(UILabel *)label{
CGSize sizeOfText = [label.text boundingRectWithSize: CGSizeMake(label.intrinsicContentSize.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)
options: (NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin|NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading)
attributes: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:label.font forKey:NSFontAttributeName] context: nil].size;

if (self.intrinsicContentSize.height < ceilf(sizeOfText.height)) {
return YES;
return NO;


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Use this category to find if a label is truncated on iOS 7 and above.

// UILabel+Truncation.h
@interface UILabel (Truncation)

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isTruncated;


// UILabel+Truncation.m
@implementation UILabel (Truncation)

- (BOOL)isTruncated
CGSize sizeOfText =
[self.text boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(self.bounds.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)
options:(NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin | NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading)
attributes:@{ NSFontAttributeName : label.font }
context: nil].size;

if (self.frame.size.height < ceilf(sizeOfText.height))
return YES;
return NO;


This works for iOS 8:

CGSize size = [label.text boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(label.bounds.size.width, NSIntegerMax) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : label.font} context:nil].size;

if (size.height > label.frame.size.height) {

To handle iOS 6 (yes, some of us still have to), here's yet another expansion to @iDev's answer. The key takeaway is that, for iOS 6, to make sure your UILabel's numberOfLines is set to 0 before calling sizeThatFits; if not, it'll give you a result that says "the points to draw numberOfLines worth of height" is needed to draw the label text.

- (BOOL)isTruncated
CGSize sizeOfText;

// iOS 7 & 8
if([self.text respondsToSelector:@selector(boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context:)])
sizeOfText = [self.text boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(self.bounds.size.width,CGFLOAT_MAX)
// iOS 6
// For iOS6, set numberOfLines to 0 (i.e. draw label text using as many lines as it takes)
// so that siteThatFits works correctly. If we leave it = 1 (for example), it'll come
// back telling us that we only need 1 line!
NSInteger origNumLines = self.numberOfLines;
self.numberOfLines = 0;
sizeOfText = [self sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(self.bounds.size.width,CGFLOAT_MAX)];
self.numberOfLines = origNumLines;

return ((self.bounds.size.height < sizeOfText.height) ? YES : NO);


I have written a category for working with UILabel's truncation. Works on iOS 7 and later. Hope it helps !

[To see links please register here]

@implementation UILabel (Truncation)

- (NSRange)truncatedRange
NSTextStorage *textStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithAttributedString:[self attributedText]];

NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
[textStorage addLayoutManager:layoutManager];

NSTextContainer *textContainer = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithSize:[self bounds].size];
textContainer.lineFragmentPadding = 0;
[layoutManager addTextContainer:textContainer];

NSRange truncatedrange = [layoutManager truncatedGlyphRangeInLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex:0];
return truncatedrange;

- (BOOL)isTruncated
return [self truncatedRange].location != NSNotFound;

- (NSString *)truncatedText
NSRange truncatedrange = [self truncatedRange];
if (truncatedrange.location != NSNotFound)
return [self.text substringWithRange:truncatedrange];

return nil;


**EDIT:** I just saw my answer was upvoted, but the code snippet I gave is deprecated.
Now the best way to do this is (ARC) :

NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraph = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
paragraph.lineBreakMode = mylabel.lineBreakMode;
NSDictionary *attributes = @{NSFontAttributeName : mylabel.font,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraph};
CGSize constrainedSize = CGSizeMake(mylabel.bounds.size.width, NSIntegerMax);
CGRect rect = [mylabel.text boundingRectWithSize:constrainedSize
attributes:attributes context:nil];
if (rect.size.height > mylabel.bounds.size.height) {

Note the calculated size is not integer value. So if you do things like `int height = rect.size.height`, you will lose some floating point precision and may have wrong results.

**Old answer** (deprecated) :

If your label is multiline, you can use this code :

CGSize perfectSize = [mylabel.text sizeWithFont:mylabel.font constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(mylabel.bounds.size.width, NSIntegerMax) lineBreakMode:mylabel.lineBreakMode];
if (perfectSize.height > mylabel.bounds.size.height) {

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