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How to generate a random int in C?

Is there a function to generate a random int number in C? Or will I have to use a third party library?

Well, STL is C++, not C, so I don't know what you want. If you want C, however, there is the `rand()` and `srand()` functions:

int rand(void);

void srand(unsigned seed);

These are both part of ANSI C. There is also the `random()` function:

long random(void);

But as far as I can tell, `random()` is not standard ANSI C. A third-party library may not be a bad idea, but it all depends on how random of a number you really need to generate.

Have a look at [ISAAC][1] (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add, and Count). Its uniformly distributed and has an average cycle length of 2^8295.


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If you need better quality pseudo random numbers than what `stdlib` provides, check out [**Mersenne Twister**][1]. It's faster, too. Sample implementations are plentiful, for example [here][2].


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Hearing a good explanation of why using `rand()` to produce uniformly distributed random numbers in a given range is a bad idea, I decided to take a look at how skewed the output actually is. My test case was fair dice throwing. Here's the C code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
int dice[6];

for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
dice[i] = 0;

const int TOTAL = 10000000;
for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++)
dice[(rand() % 6)] += 1;

double pers = 0.0, tpers = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
pers = (dice[i] * 100.0) / TOTAL;
printf("\t%1d %5.2f%%\n", dice[i], pers);
tpers += pers;
printf("\ttotal: %6.2f%%\n", tpers);

and here's its output:

$ gcc -o t3 t3.c
$ ./t3
1666598 16.67%
1668630 16.69%
1667682 16.68%
1666049 16.66%
1665948 16.66%
1665093 16.65%
total: 100.00%
$ ./t3
1667634 16.68%
1665914 16.66%
1665542 16.66%
1667828 16.68%
1663649 16.64%
1669433 16.69%
total: 100.00%

I don't know how uniform you need your random numbers to be, but the above appears uniform enough for most needs.

Edit: it would be a good idea to initialize the PRNG with something better than `time(NULL)`.

The standard C function is `rand()`. It's good enough to deal cards for solitaire, but it's awful. Many implementations of `rand()` cycle through a short list of numbers, and the low bits have shorter cycles. The way that some programs call `rand()` is awful, and calculating a good seed to pass to `srand()` is hard.

The best way to generate random numbers in C is to use a third-party library like OpenSSL. For example,

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>

/* Random integer in [0, limit) */
unsigned int random_uint(unsigned int limit) {
union {
unsigned int i;
unsigned char c[sizeof(unsigned int)];
} u;

do {
if (!RAND_bytes(u.c, sizeof(u.c))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't get random bytes!\n");
} while (u.i < (-limit % limit)); /* u.i < (2**size % limit) */
return u.i % limit;

/* Random double in [0.0, 1.0) */
double random_double() {
union {
uint64_t i;
unsigned char c[sizeof(uint64_t)];
} u;

if (!RAND_bytes(u.c, sizeof(u.c))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't get random bytes!\n");
/* 53 bits / 2**53 */
return (u.i >> 11) * (1.0/9007199254740992.0);

int main() {
printf("Dice: %d\n", (int)(random_uint(6) + 1));
printf("Double: %f\n", random_double());
return 0;

Why so much code? Other languages like Java and Ruby have functions for random integers or floats. OpenSSL only gives random bytes, so I try to mimic how Java or Ruby would transform them into integers or floats.

For integers, we want to avoid *modulo bias*. Suppose that we got some random 4 digit integers from `rand() % 10000`, but `rand()` can only return 0 to 32767 (as it does in Microsoft Windows). Each number from 0 to 2767 would appear more often than each number from 2768 to 9999. To remove the bias, we can retry `rand()` while the value is below 2768, because the 30000 values from 2768 to 32767 map uniformly onto the 10000 values from 0 to 9999.

For floats, we want 53 random bits, because a `double` holds 53 bits of precision (assuming it's an IEEE double). If we use more than 53 bits, we get rounding bias. Some programmers write code like `rand() / (double)RAND_MAX`, but `rand()` might return only 31 bits, or only 15 bits in Windows.

OpenSSL's `RAND_bytes()` seeds itself, perhaps by reading `/dev/urandom` in Linux. If we need many random numbers, it would be too slow to read them all from `/dev/urandom`, because they must be copied from the kernel. It is faster to allow OpenSSL to generate more random numbers from a seed.

More about random numbers:

- [Perl's Perl_seed()][1] is an example of how to calculate a seed in C for `srand()`. It mixes bits from the current time, the process ID, and some pointers, if it can't read `/dev/urandom`.
- [OpenBSD's arc4random_uniform()][2] explains modulo bias.
- [Java API for java.util.Random][3] describes algorithms for removing bias from random integers, and packing 53 bits into random floats.


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