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How to prevent strong reference cycles when using Apple's new Combine framework (.assign is causing problems)

I don't quite understand how to properly store subscribers inside a class so that they persist but don't prevent the object from being deinitialized. Here's an example where the object won't deinit:

import UIKit
import Combine

class Test {
public var name: String = ""

private var disposeBag: Set<AnyCancellable> = Set()

deinit {

init(publisher: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>) {
publisher.assign(to: \.name, on: self).store(in: &disposeBag)

let publisher = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("Test")

var test: Test? = Test(publisher: publisher)
test = nil


When I replace the `assign` with a `sink` (in which I properly declare `[weak self]`) it actually does deinit properly (probably because the `assign` accesses `self` in a way that causes problems).

How can I prevent strong reference cycles when using `.assign` for instance?


import protocol Combine.Publisher
import class Combine.AnyCancellable

fileprivate struct RootUnownedWrapper<R: AnyObject> {
unowned var root: R
init(_ root: R) { self.root = root }

fileprivate struct RootWeakWrapper<R: AnyObject> {
weak var root: R!
init(_ root: R) { self.root = root }

extension Publisher where Self.Failure == Never {
typealias TRootKeyPath<T> = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, Self.Output>
fileprivate typealias TWeakKeyPath<T: AnyObject> = WritableKeyPath<RootWeakWrapper<T>, T>
func assignWeakly<Root: AnyObject>(to keyPath: TRootKeyPath<Root>, on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable {

let wrapped = RootWeakWrapper(object)
let wkp: TWeakKeyPath<Root> = \.root
return assign(to: wkp.appending(path: keyPath), on: wrapped)

fileprivate typealias TUnownedKeyPath<T: AnyObject> = WritableKeyPath<RootUnownedWrapper<T>, T>

func assignUnowned<Root: AnyObject>(to keyPath: TRootKeyPath<Root>,on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable {
let wrapped = RootUnownedWrapper(object)
let wkp: TUnownedKeyPath<Root> = \.root
return assign(to: wkp.appending(path: keyPath), on: wrapped)

In addition to previously recommended way of using @Published property or .sink() there is another way to break strong reference cycle.

From documentation:

> The ``Subscribers/Assign`` instance created by this operator maintains
> a strong reference to `object`, and sets it to `nil` when the upstream
> publisher completes (either normally or with an error).

So sending **completion** event when you don't need updates from **publisher** will break reference cycle.

In this case:

publisher.send(completion: .finished)


How about:

class Test {
@Published var name: String = ""

deinit {

init(publisher: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>) {
publisher.assign(to: &$name)

This version of the `assign` operation manages memory internally (does not return `AnyCancellable`), as it dies together with the object. Note you need to convert your property to `@Published`.

You should remove stored `AnyCancellable` from `disposeBag` to release `Test` instance.

import UIKit
import Combine

private var disposeBag: Set<AnyCancellable> = Set()

class Test {
public var name: String = ""

deinit {

init(publisher: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>) {
publisher.assign(to: \.name, on: self).store(in: &disposeBag)

let publisher = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("Test")

var test: Test? = Test(publisher: publisher)
test = nil

or use optional `disposeBag`

import UIKit
import Combine

class Test {
public var name: String = ""
private var disposeBag: Set<AnyCancellable>? = Set()

deinit {

init(publisher: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>) {
guard var disposeBag = disposeBag else { return }
publisher.assign(to: \.name, on: self).store(in: &disposeBag)

let publisher = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("Test")

var test: Test? = Test(publisher: publisher)
test = nil

you can replace .asign(to:) with sink where [weak self] in its closure brake the memory cycle. Try it in Playground to see the difference

final class Bar: ObservableObject {
@Published var input: String = ""
@Published var output: String = ""

private var subscription: AnyCancellable?

init() {
subscription = $input
.filter { $0.count > 0 }
.map { "\($0) World!" }
//.assignNoRetain(to: \.output, on: self)
.sink { [weak self] (value) in
self?.output = value


deinit {
print("\(self): \(#function)")

// test it!!
var bar: Bar? = Bar()
let foo = bar?.$output.sink { print($0) }
bar?.input = "Hello"
bar?.input = "Goodby,"
bar = nil

it prints

Hello World!
Goodby, World!
__lldb_expr_4.Bar: deinit

so we don't have the memory leak !

finally at someone make a nice little

extension Publisher where Self.Failure == Never {
public func assignNoRetain<Root>(to keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Self.Output>, on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable where Root: AnyObject {
sink { [weak object] (value) in
object?[keyPath: keyPath] = value

I don't know what you have against closures but the solution is to not use self in the assign:

``` swift
import Combine
import SwiftUI

class NameStore {
var name: String
init() { name = "" }
deinit { print("deinit NameStore") }

class Test {
private var nameStore = NameStore()
public var name: String { get { return } }

var subscriber: AnyCancellable? = nil

deinit { print("deinit Test") }

init(publisher: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>) {
subscriber = publisher.print().assign(to: \, on: nameStore)

let publisher = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("Test")
var test: Test? = Test(publisher: publisher)

struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
action: { test = nil },
label: {Text("test = nil")}

As far as I can see weak references are only allowed in closures so that wasn't the answer. Putting the reference into another object meant that both could be released.

I added a ContentView because it makes it easier to play with and I added a print to the pipeline to see what was happening. The computed name is probably not necessary, it just made it look the same as you had. I also removed the Set, it's probably useful but I haven't worked out when.

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