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How to repair a serialized string which has been corrupted by an incorrect byte count length?

After having tried some things on this page without success I had a look in the page-source and remarked that all quotes in the serialized string have been replaced by html-entities.
Decoding these entities helps avoiding much headache:

$myVar = html_entity_decode($myVar);


The corruption in this question is isolated to a single substring at the end of the serialized string with was probably manually replaced by someone who lazily wanted to update the `image` filename. This fact will be apparent in my demonstration link below using the OP's posted data -- in short, `C:fakepath100.jpg` does not have a length of `19`, it should be `17`.

Since the serialized string corruption is limited to an incorrect byte/character count number, the following will do a fine job of updating the corrupted string with the correct byte count value.

The following regex based replacement will only be effective in remedying byte counts, nothing more.

It looks like many of the earlier posts are just copy-pasting a regex pattern from someone else. **There is no reason to capture the potentially corrupted byte count number if it isn't going to be used in the replacement.** Also, adding the `s` pattern modifier is a reasonable inclusion in case a string value contains newlines/line returns.

*For those that are not aware of the treatment of multibyte characters with serializing, you **must not use `mb_strlen()` in the custom callback because it is the byte count that is stored not the character count**, see my output...

Code: ([Demo with OP's data][1]) ([Demo with arbitrary sample data][2]) ([Demo with condition replacing][3])

$corrupted = <<<STRING

$repaired = preg_replace_callback(
// ^^^- matched/consumed but not captured because not used in replacement
function ($m) {
return "s:" . strlen($m[1]) . ":\"{$m[1]}\";";

echo $corrupted , "\n" , $repaired;
echo "\n---\n";


array (
0 => 'three',
1 => 'five',
2 => 'newline1
3 => 'garçon',


**One leg down the rabbit hole...** The above works fine even if double quotes occur in a string value, but if a string value contains `";` or some other monkeywrenching sbustring, you'll need to go a little further and implement "lookarounds". My new pattern

checks that the leading `s` is:

- the start of the entire input string or
- preceded by `;`

and checks that the `";` is:

- at the end of the entire input string or
- followed by `}` or
- followed by a string or integer declaration `s:` or `i:`

I haven't test each and every possibility; in fact, I am relatively unfamiliar with all of the possibilities in a serialized string because I never elect to work with serialized data -- always json in modern applications. If there are additional possible leading or trailing characters, leave a comment and I'll extend the lookarounds.

Extended snippet: ([Demo][4])

$corrupted_byte_counts = <<<STRING
newline2";i:3;s:6:"garçon";i:4;s:111:"double " quote \"escaped";i:5;s:1:"a,comma";i:6;s:9:"a:colon";i:7;s:0:"single 'quote";i:8;s:999:"semi;colon";s:5:"assoc";s:3:"yes";i:9;s:1:"monkey";wrenching doublequote-semicolon";s:3:"s:";s:9:"val s: val";}

$repaired = preg_replace_callback(
//^^^^^^^^--------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- some additional validation
function ($m) {
return 's:' . strlen($m[1]) . ":\"{$m[1]}\";";

echo "corrupted serialized array:\n$corrupted_byte_counts";
echo "\n---\n";
echo "repaired serialized array:\n$repaired";
echo "\n---\n";


corrupted serialized array:
newline2";i:3;s:6:"garçon";i:4;s:111:"double " quote \"escaped";i:5;s:1:"a,comma";i:6;s:9:"a:colon";i:7;s:0:"single 'quote";i:8;s:999:"semi;colon";s:5:"assoc";s:3:"yes";i:9;s:1:"monkey";wrenching doublequote-semicolon";s:3:"s:";s:9:"val s: val";}
repaired serialized array:
newline2";i:3;s:7:"garçon";i:4;s:24:"double " quote \"escaped";i:5;s:7:"a,comma";i:6;s:7:"a:colon";i:7;s:13:"single 'quote";i:8;s:10:"semi;colon";s:5:"assoc";s:3:"yes";i:9;s:39:"monkey";wrenching doublequote-semicolon";s:2:"s:";s:10:"val s: val";}
[0] => three
[1] => five
[2] => newline1
[3] => garçon
[4] => double " quote \"escaped
[5] => a,comma
[6] => a:colon
[7] => single 'quote
[8] => semi;colon
[assoc] => yes
[9] => monkey";wrenching doublequote-semicolon
[s:] => val s: val


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$badData = 'a:2:{i:0;s:16:"as:45:"d";
Is \n";i:1;s:19:"as:45:"d";
Is \r\n";}';

**You can not fix a broken serialize string using the proposed regexes:**

$data = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!e', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $badData);
var_dump(@unserialize($data)); // Output: bool(false)

// or

$data = preg_replace_callback(
return 's:' . strlen($m[2]) . ':"' . $m[2] . '";';
var_dump(@unserialize($data)); // Output: bool(false)

**You can fix broken serialize string using following regex:**

$data = preg_replace_callback(
return 's:' . strlen($m[2]) . ':"' . $m[2] . '";';



array(2) {
[0] =>
string(17) "as:45:"d";
Is \n"
[1] =>
string(19) "as:45:"d";
Is \r\n"


array(2) {
[0] =>
string(16) "as:45:"d";
Is \n"
[1] =>
string(18) "as:45:"d";
Is \r\n"

[Here is an Online Tool][1] for fixing a corrupted serialized string.

I'd like to add that this mostly happens due to a search and replace done on the DB and the serialization data(*specially* the `key length`) doesn't get updated as per the replace and that causes the "corruption".

Nonetheless, The above tool uses the following logic to fix the serialization data ([Copied From Here][2]).

function error_correction_serialise($string){
// at first, check if "fixing" is really needed at all. After that, security checkup.
if ( unserialize($string) !== true && preg_match('/^[aOs]:/', $string) ) {
$string = preg_replace_callback( '/s\:(\d+)\:\"(.*?)\";/s', function($matches){return 's:'.strlen($matches[2]).':"'.$matches[2].'";'; }, $string );
return $string;


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public function unserializeKeySkills($string) {
$output = array();
$string = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ',$string));
$string = preg_replace_callback('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!', function($m) { return 's:'.strlen($m[2]).':"'.$m[2].'";'; }, utf8_encode( trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ',$string)) ));
try {
$output = unserialize($string);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
\Log::error("unserialize Data : " .print_r($string,true));
return $output;

change the column size of the particular field(LONGTEXT)

**You can use this for all case:**

$newdata = preg_replace_callback(
return 's:' . strlen($m[2]) . ':"' . $m[2] . '";';

**Quick Fix**

Recalculating the length of the elements in serialized array - but don't use (preg_replace) it's deprecated - better use preg_replace_callback:

**Edit: New Version now not just wrong length but it also fix line-breaks and count correct characters with aczent (thanks to [mickmackusa][1])**

// New Version
$data = preg_replace_callback('!s:\d+:"(.*?)";!s',
function($m) {
return "s:" . strlen($m[1]) . ':"'.$m[1].'";';
}, $data


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