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Is there Uninstall a program batch for windows?

I have several programs I want to uninstall from my computer (Windows 7 64bit).

Is there a batch\script that can help me do it? or I need to do it one by one from Control Panel?

If there isn't for Windows 7, is there something like this in XP?


to complement Bali's answer, try the following code...

@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('reg query hklm\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ ^| find /I "%*"') do (
for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %%b in ('reg query "%%a" /v UninstallString ^| find /I "UninstallString"') do (
if /i %%b==UninstallString (
echo %%d

test it carefully. And then remove the `echo` command.

There isn't really an `uninstall` command kind of thing in cmd that I know of. You could however query this reg key


(might also need to check `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall` if you're on a 64-bit machine)

to find the program you want to uninstall. Each one will have an `UninstallString` value which will tell you the path to the programs uninstaller file which you can then execute by calling it's full path and filename.

If the uninstaller happens to be an msi you can use

`msiexec /uninstall /x` to silently uninstall it. This is about as much as you can do with batch I think.

Hope this helps!

I wrote this this morning.

@Echo off
Echo This is a batch file uninstallation program.
Echo Run as administrator WMIC will not work.
Echo The command [wmic product get name] will run.
Echo Looking up all installed programs...
wmic product get name

echo 1. First program
echo 2. Second program
echo 3. Third program
echo 4. Fourth program
echo 5. Fifth program
@echo Pick a number:
choice /c:12345

if "%errorlevel%"=="1" wmic product where name="First program" call uninstall
if "%errorlevel%"=="2" wmic product where name="Second program" call uninstall
if "%errorlevel%"=="3" wmic product where name="Third program" call uninstall
if "%errorlevel%"=="4" wmic product where name="Fourth program" call uninstall
if "%errorlevel%"=="5" wmic product where name="Fifth program" call uninstall


@echo First method is done. I'll go into the alternate method.

Echo Get user input - program name?
Echo This is an alternate method
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Uninstall which program?: %=%
if "%INPUT%"=="" goto input
echo Your input was: %INPUT%

Echo Uninstalling...

echo The command [wmic product where name="%INPUT%" call uninstall] will run.

wmic product where name="%INPUT%" call uninstall

@echo If there is "no instance" errors, then the program %INPUT% was uninstalled.


Use wmic right from the terminal. You can look at microsoft's documentation to see more usages.

This will be a great starting point:

wmic product where vendor="Autodesk" call uninstall
I use the above line to clean uninstall autodesk products.

if you don't need it to be (command line) batch, then BCUninstaller is great to remove and cleanup many sotfwater at once in Windows :

[To see links please register here]


(07-23-2023, 08:38 AM)sceptre162119 Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

I have several programs I want to uninstall from my computer (Windows 7 64bit).

Is there a batch\script that can help me do it? or I need to do it one by one from Control Panel?

If there isn't for Windows 7, is there something like this in XP?


There is no other way, you have to track what files you install to remove them with a uninstaller.

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