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Java Equivalent of C# async/await?

I am a normal C# developer but occasionally I develop application in Java. I'm wondering if there is any Java equivalent of C# async/await?
In simple words what is the java equivalent of:

async Task<int> AccessTheWebAsync()
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var urlContents = await client.GetStringAsync("");
return urlContents.Length;

No, there isn't any equivalent of async/await in Java - or even in C# before v5.

It's a fairly complex language feature to build a state machine behind the scenes.

There's relatively little *language* support for asynchrony/concurrency in Java, but the `java.util.concurrent` package contains a lot of useful *classes* around this. (Not quite equivalent to the Task Parallel Library, but the closest approximation to it.)

Java itself has no equivalent features, but third-party libraries exist which offer similar functionality, e.g.[Kilim][1].


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There isn't anything native to java that lets you do this like async/await keywords, but what you can do if you really want to is use a [CountDownLatch][1]. You *could* then imitate async/await by passing this around (at least in Java7). This is a common practice in Android unit testing where we have to make an async call (usually a runnable posted by a handler), and then await for the result (count down).

Using this however inside your application as opposed to your test is **NOT** what I am recommending. That would be extremely shoddy as CountDownLatch depends on you effectively counting down the right number of times and in the right places.


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**async** and **await** are syntactic sugars. The essence of async and await is state machine. The compiler will transform your async/await code into a state machine.

At the same time, in order for async/await to be really practicable in real projects, we need to have lots of **Async I/O library functions** already in place. For C#, most original synchronized I/O functions has an alternative Async version. The reason we need these Async functions is because in most cases, your own async/await code will boil down to some library Async method.

The Async version library functions in C# is kind of like the AsynchronousChannel concept in Java. For example, we have which can either return a Future or execute a callback after the read operation is done. But it’s not exactly the same. All C# Async functions return Tasks (similar to Future but more powerful than Future).

So let’s say Java do support async/await, and we write some code like this:

public static async Future<Byte> readFirstByteAsync(String filePath) {
Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
AsynchronousFileChannel channel =;

ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(100_000);
await, 0, buffer, this);
return buffer.get(0);

Then I would imagine the compiler will transform the original async/await code into something like this:

public static Future<Byte> readFirstByteAsync(String filePath) {

CompletableFuture<Byte> result = new CompletableFuture<Byte>();

AsyncHandler ah = new AsyncHandler(result, filePath);

ah.completed(null, null);

return result;
And here is the implementation for AsyncHandler:

class AsyncHandler implements CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer>
CompletableFuture<Byte> future;
int state;
String filePath;

public AsyncHandler(CompletableFuture<Byte> future, String filePath)
this.future = future;
this.state = 0;
this.filePath = filePath;

public void completed(Integer arg0, ByteBuffer arg1) {
try {
if (state == 0) {
state = 1;
Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
AsynchronousFileChannel channel =;

ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(100_000);, 0, buffer, this);
} else {
Byte ret = arg1.get(0);

} catch (Exception e) {

public void failed(Throwable arg0, ByteBuffer arg1) {


I make and released Java async/await library.

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This library don't need compiler extension, and realize stackless IO processing in Java.

async Task<int> AccessTheWebAsync(){
HttpClient client= new HttpClient();
var urlContents= await client.GetStringAsync("");
  return urlContents.Length;

BlockingQueue<Integer> AccessTheWebAsync() {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
return awaiter.await(
() -> client.GetStringAsync(""),
urlContents -> {
return urlContents.length();
public void doget(){
BlockingQueue<Integer> lengthQueue=AccessTheWebAsync();

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