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Laravel blank white screen

When I was new to Linux.I usually found this error with my Laravel Project.
White errors means error, It may have some permission issue or error.

You just have to follow two steps, and will work like champ :)

(1) Give the permission. Run these command from root directory of your project

(a) sudo chmod 777 -R storage
(b) sudo chmod bootstrap/cache

(2) If you cloned the project or pulled from github then run

composer install

(3) Configure your .env file properly, and your project will work.

for anyone who get blank page even after making storage accessible for displaying errors put these two lines at first lines of public/index.php to see what is happening at least. for me this error was there :Class 'PDO' not found in /var/www/***/config/database.php on line 16

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

I was struggling with a similar issue on a CentOS server. Using php artisan serv and accessing it through port 8000 on the local machine worked fine but could not get my remote machines to load a particular view. I could return strings fine, and some views were loading. Chased my tail on permissions for a while before I finally realized it was an SELinux issue. I just set it from enforce to permissive and it worked. Hope that helps someone else out there that may be encountering the same issue.

setenforce permissive

The following steps solved blank white screen problem on my Laravel 5.

- Go to your Laravel root folder
- Give write permission to `bootstrap/cache` and `storage` directories

> sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache storage

- Rename `.env.example` to `.env`
- Generate application key with the following command in terminal/command-prompt from Laravel root:

> php artisan key:generate

This will generate the encryption key and update the value of `APP_KEY` in `.env` file

This should solve the problem.

If the problem still exists, then update `config/app.php` with the new key generated from the above artisan key generate command:

> `'key' => env('APP_KEY', 'SomeRandomString'),`
> to

Strange for me, but in my case I had to clear the laravel's cache to solve the issue.

I was also getting same error when I start first time on laravel + Ubuntu 14.04
I just right click on bootstrap and storage folder >>> properties >>>permission>> Others Access >>> change it to "Create and delete files" Change permission for enclosed files

Thank you

Got this from the Laravel forums, but if you recently upgraded Laravel versions AND PHP versions AND are running nginx, make sure you have changed your nginx configuration file to reflect the new PHP version. For instance:

In your nginx site config file (here: /etc/nginx/sites-available), change

`fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;`


`fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php5.6-fpm.sock;`

I have same issue. I already change chmod folder for Storage folder. fill database settings in .env, but didn't fix the problem.
I used Laravel 5.5 and I used PHP 5.6, to fix it I went to (cpanel->PHP Selector) and I changed to PHP 7.1 And the issue is done.

On normal cases errors should be logged **Unless**

Script can't write to log file

- check it's path
- permissions

Or error occurred on higher level check app server logs like Appache || Nginx

Or it's resources limits
Like PHP ini settings


Or OS limit's and so on

In addition to Permission problems in storage and cache folder and php version issues, there could be another reasons to display blank page without any error message.

For example, I had a **redeclare** error message without any log and with blank white page.
There was a conflict between my own helper function and a vendor function.

I suggest as **a starting point**, run `artisan` commands. for example:

php artisan cache:clear
If there was a problem, it will prompted in terminal and you've got a **Clue** and you can google for the solution.

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