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Load constant floats into SSE registers

I'm trying to figure out an efficient way to load compile time constant floats into SSE(2/3) registers. I've tried doing simple code like this,

const __m128 x = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };

but that generates 4 movss instructions from memory!

movss xmm0,dword ptr [__real@3f800000 (14048E534h)]
movss xmm1,dword ptr [__real@40000000 (14048E530h)]
movaps xmm6,xmm12
shufps xmm6,xmm12,0C6h
movss dword ptr [rsp],xmm0
movss xmm0,dword ptr [__real@40400000 (14048E52Ch)]
movss dword ptr [rsp+4],xmm1
movss xmm1,dword ptr [__real@40a00000 (14048E528h)]

which load the scalars in and out of memory... (?!?!)

Doing this though..

float Align(16) myfloat4[4] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, }; // out in global scope


movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr [::myarray4 (140512050h)]

Ideally, it would be nice if I have constants their would be a way not to even touch memory and just do it with immediate style instructions (e.g. the constants compiled into the instruction itself).



Normally constants such as this would be loaded prior to any loops or "hot" parts of the code, so performance should not be that important. But if you can't avoid doing this kind of thing inside a loop then I would try `_mm_set_ps` first and see what that generates. Also try ICC rather than gcc, as it tends to generate better code.

First off, what optimization level are you compiling at? It's not uncommon to see that sort of codegen at -O0 or -O1, but I would be quite surprised to see it with -O2 or higher in most compilers.

Second, there are no immediate loads in SSE. You can do a load immediate to a GPR, then move that value to SSE, but you cannot conjure other values without an actual load (ignoring certain special values like `0` or `(int)-1`, which can be produced via logical operations.

Finally, if the bad code is being generated with optimizations turned on and in a performance-critical location, please file a bug against your compiler.

Generating constants is much simpler (and quicker) if the four float constants are the same. For example the bit pattern for 1.f is 0x3f800000. One way this can be generated using SSE2

register __m128i onef;
__asm__ ( "pcmpeqb %0, %0" : "=x" ( onef ) );
onef = _mm_slli_epi32( onef, 25 );
onef = _mm_srli_epi32( onef, 2 );

Another approach with SSE4.1 is,

register uint32_t t = 0x3f800000;
register __m128 onef;
__asm__ ( "pinsrd %0, %1, 0" : "=x" ( onef ) : "r" ( t ) );
onef = _mm_shuffle_epi32( onef, 0 );

Note that i'm not possitive if this version is any faster than the SSE2 one, have not profiled it, only tested the result was correct.

If the values of each of the four floats must be different, then each of the constants can be generated and shuffled or blended together.

Wether or not this is useful depends on if a cache miss is likely, else loading the constant from memory is quicker. Tricks like this are very helpful in vmx/altivec, but large caches on most pcs may make this less useful for sse.

There is a good discussion of this in Agner Fog's Optimization Manual, book 2, section 13.4,

[To see links please register here]


Final note, the use of inline assembler above is gcc specific, the reason is to allow the use of uninitialized variables without generating a compiler warning. With vc, you may or may not need to first initialize the variables with _mm_setzero_ps(), then hope that the optimizer can remove this.

If you want to force it to a single load, you could try (gcc):

__attribute__((aligned(16))) float vec[4] = { 1.0f, 1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f };
__m128 v = _mm_load_ps(vec); // edit by sor: removed the "&" cause its already an address

If you have Visual C++, use `__declspec(align(16))` to request the proper constraint.

On my system, this (compiled with `gcc -m32 -msse -O2`; no optimization at all clutters the code but still retains the single `movaps` in the end) creates the following assembly code (gcc / AT&T syntax):

andl $-16, %esp
subl $16, %esp
movl $0x3f800000, (%esp)
movl $0x3f8ccccd, 4(%esp)
movl $0x3f99999a, 8(%esp)
movl $0x3fa66666, 12(%esp)
movaps (%esp), %xmm0

Note that it aligns the stackpointer before allocating stackspace and putting the constants in there. Leaving the `__attribute__((aligned))` out may, depending on your compiler, create incorrect code that doesn't do this, so beware, and check the disassembly.

Since you've been asking for _how to put constants into the code_, simply try the above with a `static` qualifier for the `float` array. That creates the following assembly:

movaps vec.7330, %xmm0
.long 1065353216
.long 1066192077
.long 1067030938
.long 1067869798

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