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MVC framework from scratch

With the amount of the free time I am enjoying because of the global pandemic crisis, I have decided to write a few tutorial for the members who are interested in them. I do plan to cover large field of topics and not just coding, but for my first tutorial I've chosen to write about how can someone create their own framework (following mvc pattern). Keep in mind though, this will never be a production grade framework. I'm just doing this to showcase how frameworks like laravel work and why do people use them.
So whether you are an aspiring programmer who is interested in the inner working of things like this, or you maybe plan to hack it, it's not bad thing to know.
Currently there are 8 9 chapters written and I'll update them periodically, so if you want me to cover something specific feel free to leave a comment below.
1. Intro
2. Structure
3. Bare bones
4. First app
5. Basic security
6. Cookies and sessions
7. Database
8. Recap
9. File handling
10. Localization
11. Templating
12. Second App
13. Emails

So if you are interested you can check the tutorial here:

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This Is brilliant.

Is It solely your own work?

Quote:(02-08-2021, 02:37 AM)mothered Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

This Is brilliant.

Is It solely your own work?

Thank you, I hope someone will find it helpful, even if they just need some part of it.
And yes it's all from my head, I actually made that framework out of boredom a few years ago, now I'm just doing step by step so that people who are interested can avoid the mistakes I made along the way. That framework is also in one of the repositories, if someone needs it to compare with their own (

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) although tutorial is a little behind the code right now

EDIT: there is also this repo

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which I made to test how the framework fares when you actually do something with it

Thank you so much for writing them

Thank you for Sharing with us , MVC its powerfully Framework

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