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MySQL not using indexes with WHERE IN clause?

I'm trying to optimize some of the database queries in my Rails app and I have several that have got me stumped. They are all using an `IN` in the `WHERE` clause and are all doing full table scans even though an appropriate index appears to be in place.

For example:

SELECT `user_metrics`.* FROM `user_metrics` WHERE (`user_metrics`.user_id IN (N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N))

performs a full table scan and `EXPLAIN` says:

select_type: simple
type: all
extra: using where
possible_keys: index_user_metrics_on_user_id (which is an index on the user_id column)
key: (none)
key_length: (none)
ref: (none)
rows: 208

Are indexes not used when an `IN` statement is used or do I need to do something differently? The queries here are being generated by Rails so I could revisit how my relationships are defined, but I thought I'd start with potential fixes at the DB level first.

Does it get any better if you remove the redundant brackets around the where clause?

Although it could just be that because you've only got 200 or so rows, it decided a table scan would be faster. Try with a table with more records in it.

Try forcing this index:

SELECT `user_metrics`.*
FROM `user_metrics` FORCE INDEX (index_user_metrics_on_user_id)
WHERE (`user_metrics`.user_id IN (N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N))

I just checked, it does use an index on exactly same query:

SELECT * FROM tests WHERE (test IN ('test 1', 'test 2', 'test 3', 'test 4', 'test 5', 'test 6', 'test 7', 'test 8', 'test 9'))

1, 'SIMPLE', 'tests', 'range', 'ix_test', 'ix_test', '602', '', 9, 100.00, 'Using where'


Sometimes MySQL does not use an index, even if one is available. One circumstance under which this occurs is when the optimizer estimates that using the index would require MySQL to access a very large percentage of the rows in the table. (In this case, a table scan is likely to be much faster because it requires fewer seeks.)

What percentage of rows match your IN clause?

I know I'm late for the party. But hope I can help someone else with similar problem.

Lately, I'm having the same problem. Then I decide to use self-join-thing to solve my problem.
The problem is not MySQL. Problem is us. The return type from subquery is difference from our table. So we must cast the type of subquery to the type of select column.
Below is example code:

select `user_metrics`.*
from `user_metrics` um
join (select `user_metrics`.`user_id` in (N, N, N, N) ) as temp
on um.`user_id` = temp.`user_id`

Or my own code:

Old: (Not use index: ~4s)

information_date IN (SELECT DISTINCT
information_date >= DATE_SUB('2016-12-2', INTERVAL 7 DAY))
AND `jxm_character`.`ranking_type` = 1
AND `jxm_character`.`character_id` = 3146089;

New: (Use index: ~0.02s)

jxm_character jc
information_date >= DATE_SUB('2016-12-2', INTERVAL 7 DAY)) AS temp
ON jc.information_date = STR_TO_DATE(temp.information_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
AND jc.ranking_type = 1
AND jc.character_id = 3146089;


- Records: ~3.5M
- PK: jxm_character(information_date, ranking_type, character_id)

`SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%version%';`

'protocol_version', '10'
'version', '5.1.69-log'
'version_comment', 'Source distribution'

Last note: Make sure you understand MySQL index left-most rule.

P/s: Sorry for my bad English. I post my code (production, of course) to clear my solution :D.

See [How MySQL Uses Indexes][1].

Also validate whether MySQL still performs a [full table scan][2] after you add an additional 2000-or-so rows to your `user_metrics` table. In small tables, access-by-index is actually more expensive (I/O-wise) than a table scan, and MySQL's optimizer might take this into account.

_Contrary to my previous post_, it turns out that MySQL is also [using a cost-based optimizer][3], which is very good news - that is, provided you run your `ANALYZE` at least once when you believe that the volume of data in your database is _representative_ of future day-to-day usage.

When dealing with cost-based optimizers (Oracle, Postgres, etc.), you need to make sure to periodically run [`ANALYZE`][4] on your various tables as their size increases by more than 10-15%. (Postgres will do this automatically for you, by default, whereas other RDBMSs will leave this responsibility to a DBA, i.e. you.) Through statistical analysis, `ANALYZE` will help the optimizer get a better idea of how much I/O (and other associated resources, such as CPU, needed e.g. for sorting) will be involved when choosing between various candidate execution plans. Failure to run `ANALYZE` may result in very poor, sometimes disastrous planning decisions (e.g. millisecond-queries taking, sometimes, hours because of _bad nested loops_ on `JOIN`s.)

If performance is still unsatisfactory after running `ANALYZE`, then you will typically be able to work around the issue by using hints, e.g. `FORCE INDEX`, whereas in other cases you might have stumbled over a MySQL bug (e.g. this [older one][5], which could have bitten you were you to use Rails' `nested_set`).

Now, **since you are in a Rails app**, it will be cumbersome (and defeat the purpose of `ActiveRecord`) to issue your custom queries with hints instead of continuing to use the `ActiveRecord`-generated ones.

I had mentioned that in our Rails application _all_ `SELECT` queries dropped below 100ms after switching to Postgres, whereas some of the complex joins generated by `ActiveRecord` would occasionally take as much as 15s or more with MySQL 5.1 because of nested loops with inner table scans, even when indices were available. No optimizer is perfect, and you should be aware of the options. Other potential performance issues to be aware of, besides query plan optimization, are locking. This is outside the scope of your problem though.


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