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Organizing objects and libraries

I've been creating a small number of libraries / classes from scratch in php. I come from a codeigniter background, and I'm trying to make some libraries with similar functionality. I keep running into issues regarding objects.

Is the best way to create a super object `$this` somehow? My main issue is that I've created a view object and I run a function called `load` which looks like so:

class View {

public function __construct() {

public function load($file = NULL, $data = array()) {
if($file) {
$file .= '.php';
if(file_exists($file)) {
// Extract variables BEFORE including the file
include $file;
return TRUE;
} else {
echo 'View not found';
return FALSE;
} else {
return FALSE;

Then in my php file, I have at the top `include 'libraries.php';` which looks like:

include 'database.php';
include 'view.php';
include 'input.php';
include 'form.php';

$config = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'database'

$database = new Database($config);
$view = new View();
$input = new Input();
$form = new Form();

From the file which I included the libraries, I am able to write something like `$form->value('name');` without errors. However, if I do something like this:

`$view->load('folder/index', array('var_name' => 'var_value'));` then from the `folder/index.php` file I can access `$var_name` just fine, but not `$form->value('name');`. I get errors such as `Call to a member function value() on a non-object in ...`

My question is how can I organize my libraries and classes in a way that will be reusable. I don't want to use a front loader (an `index.php` file that everything runs through first). This may be an issue with the way I wrote my classes, but I imagine it's a larger issue regarding where things are located etc.

Put your library/class files in a common directory. Something like:

| |_classes
| | |_view.php
| |_config
| |_database.php

You can then set a common include path in your .htaccess file to this "includes" directory:

php_value include_path .:/path/to/www/includes

Then the other_folder/index.php file just needs something like:


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