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Powershell module: Dynamic mandatory hierarchical parameters

So what I really want is somewhat usable tab completion in a PS module.
ValidateSet seems to be the way to go here.

Unfortunately my data is dynamic, so I cannot annotate the parameter with all valid values upfront.
DynamicParameters/IDynamicParameters seems to be the solution for *that* problem.

Putting these things together (and reducing my failure to a simple test case) we end up with:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace PSDummy
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "BookDetails")]
public class GetBookDetails : Cmdlet, IDynamicParameters
IDictionary<string, string[]> m_dummyData = new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
{"Terry Pratchett", new [] {"Small Gods", "Mort", "Eric"}},
{"Douglas Adams", new [] {"Hitchhiker's Guide", "The Meaning of Liff"}}

private RuntimeDefinedParameter m_authorParameter;
private RuntimeDefinedParameter m_bookParameter;

protected override void ProcessRecord()
// Do stuff here..

public object GetDynamicParameters()
var parameters = new RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary();

m_authorParameter = CreateAuthorParameter();
m_bookParameter = CreateBookParameter();

parameters.Add(m_authorParameter.Name, m_authorParameter);
parameters.Add(m_bookParameter.Name, m_bookParameter);
return parameters;

private RuntimeDefinedParameter CreateAuthorParameter()
var p = new RuntimeDefinedParameter(
new Collection<Attribute>
new ParameterAttribute {
ParameterSetName = "BookStuff",
Position = 0,
Mandatory = true
new ValidateSetAttribute(m_dummyData.Keys.ToArray()),
new ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute()

// Actually this is always mandatory, but sometimes I can fall back to a default
// value. How? p.Value = mydefault?

return p;

private RuntimeDefinedParameter CreateBookParameter()
// How to define a ValidateSet based on the parameter value for
// author?
var p = new RuntimeDefinedParameter(
new Collection<Attribute>
new ParameterAttribute {
ParameterSetName = "BookStuff",
Position = 1,
Mandatory = true
new ValidateSetAttribute(new string[1] { string.Empty }/* cannot fill this, because I cannot access the author */),
new ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute()

return p;

Unfortunately this tiny snippet causes a lot of issues already. Ordered descending:

- I fail to see how I can create a connection between the parameters. If you pick an author, you should only be able to pick a book that matches the author. So far `GetDynamicParameters()` always seems stateless though: I see no way to access the value of a different/earlier dynamic parameter. Tried keeping it in a field, tried searching `MyInvocation` - no luck. Is that even possible?

- How do you define a default value for mandatory parameter? Doesn't fit the silly example, but let's say you can store your favorite author. From now on I want to default to that author, but having a pointer to an author is still mandatory. Either you gave me a default (and can still specify something else) or you need to be explicit.

- Tab completion for strings with spaces seems weird/broken/limited - because it doesn't enclose the value with quotes (like cmd.exe would do, for example, if you type `dir C:\Program <tab>`). So tab completion actually _breaks_ the invocation (if the issues above would be resolved, `Get-BookDetails Ter<tab>` would/will expand to `Get-BookDetails Terry Pratchett` which puts the last name in parameter position 1 aka 'book'.

Shouldn't be so hard, surely someone did something similar already?

Update: After another good day of tinkering and fooling around I don't see a way to make this work. The commandlet is stateless and will be instantiated over and over again. At the point in time when I _can_ define dynamic parameters (GetDynamicParameters) I cannot access their (current) values/see what they'd be bound to - e.g. MyInvocation.BoundParameters is zero. I'll leave the question open, but it seems as if this just isn't supported. All the examples I see add a dynamic parameter based on the value of a static one - and that's not relevant here. Bugger.

I think this works. Unfortunately, it uses reflection to get at some of the cmdlet's private members for your first bullet. I got the idea from [Garrett Serack][1]. I'm not sure if I completely understood how to do the default author, so I made it so that the last valid author is stored in a static field so you don't need -Author the next time.

Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace PSDummy
internal class DynParamQuotedString {
This works around the PowerShell bug where ValidateSet values aren't quoted when necessary, and
adding the quotes breaks it. Example:

ValidateSet valid values = 'Test string' (The quotes are part of the string)

PowerShell parameter binding would interperet that as [Test string] (no single quotes), which wouldn't match
the valid value (which has the quotes). If you make the parameter a DynParamQuotedString, though,
the parameter binder will coerce [Test string] into an instance of DynParamQuotedString, and the binder will
call ToString() on the object, which will add the quotes back in.

internal static string DefaultQuoteCharacter = "'";

public DynParamQuotedString(string quotedString) : this(quotedString, DefaultQuoteCharacter) {}
public DynParamQuotedString(string quotedString, string quoteCharacter) {
OriginalString = quotedString;
_quoteCharacter = quoteCharacter;

public string OriginalString { get; set; }
string _quoteCharacter;

public override string ToString() {
// I'm sure this is missing some other characters that need to be escaped. Feel free to add more:
if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(OriginalString, @"\s|\(|\)|""|'")) {
return string.Format("{1}{0}{1}", OriginalString.Replace(_quoteCharacter, string.Format("{0}{0}", _quoteCharacter)), _quoteCharacter);
else {
return OriginalString;

public static string[] GetQuotedStrings(IEnumerable<string> values) {
var returnList = new List<string>();
foreach (string currentValue in values) {
returnList.Add((new DynParamQuotedString(currentValue)).ToString());
return returnList.ToArray();

[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "BookDetails")]
public class GetBookDetails : PSCmdlet, IDynamicParameters
IDictionary<string, string[]> m_dummyData = new Dictionary<string, string[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
{"Terry Pratchett", new [] {"Small Gods", "Mort", "Eric"}},
{"Douglas Adams", new [] {"Hitchhiker's Guide", "The Meaning of Liff"}},
{"An 'Author' (notice the ')", new [] {"A \"book\"", "Another 'book'","NoSpace(ButCharacterThatShouldBeEscaped)", "NoSpace'Quoted'", "NoSpace\"Quoted\""}} // Test value I added

protected override void ProcessRecord()
WriteObject(string.Format("Author = {0}", _author));
WriteObject(string.Format("Book = {0}", ((DynParamQuotedString) MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Book"]).OriginalString));

// Making this static means it should keep track of the last author used
static string _author;
public object GetDynamicParameters()
// Get 'Author' if found, otherwise get first unnamed value
string author = GetUnboundValue("Author", 0) as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) {
_author = author.Trim('\'').Replace(
string.Format("{0}{0}", DynParamQuotedString.DefaultQuoteCharacter),

var parameters = new RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary();

bool isAuthorParamMandatory = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_author) && m_dummyData.ContainsKey(_author)) {
isAuthorParamMandatory = false;
var m_bookParameter = new RuntimeDefinedParameter(
new Collection<Attribute>
new ParameterAttribute {
ParameterSetName = "BookStuff",
Position = 1,
Mandatory = true
new ValidateSetAttribute(DynParamQuotedString.GetQuotedStrings(m_dummyData[_author])),
new ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute()

parameters.Add(m_bookParameter.Name, m_bookParameter);

// Create author parameter. Parameter isn't mandatory if _author
// has a valid author in it
var m_authorParameter = new RuntimeDefinedParameter(
new Collection<Attribute>
new ParameterAttribute {
ParameterSetName = "BookStuff",
Position = 0,
Mandatory = isAuthorParamMandatory
new ValidateSetAttribute(DynParamQuotedString.GetQuotedStrings(m_dummyData.Keys.ToArray())),
new ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute()
parameters.Add(m_authorParameter.Name, m_authorParameter);

return parameters;

TryGetProperty() and GetUnboundValue() are from here:
Source created a dictionary for all unbound values; I had issues getting ValidateSet on Author parameter to work
if I used that directly for some reason, but changing it into a function to get a specific parameter seems to work

object TryGetProperty(object instance, string fieldName) {
var bindingFlags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public;

// any access of a null object returns null.
if (instance == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) {
return null;

var propertyInfo = instance.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName, bindingFlags);

if (propertyInfo != null) {
try {
return propertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null);
catch {

// maybe it's a field
var fieldInfo = instance.GetType().GetField(fieldName, bindingFlags);

if (fieldInfo!= null) {
try {
return fieldInfo.GetValue(instance);
catch {

// no match, return null.
return null;

object GetUnboundValue(string paramName) {
return GetUnboundValue(paramName, -1);

object GetUnboundValue(string paramName, int unnamedPosition) {

// If paramName isn't found, value at unnamedPosition will be returned instead
var context = TryGetProperty(this, "Context");
var processor = TryGetProperty(context, "CurrentCommandProcessor");
var parameterBinder = TryGetProperty(processor, "CmdletParameterBinderController");
var args = TryGetProperty(parameterBinder, "UnboundArguments") as System.Collections.IEnumerable;

if (args != null) {
var currentParameterName = string.Empty;
object unnamedValue = null;
int i = 0;
foreach (var arg in args) {
var isParameterName = TryGetProperty(arg, "ParameterNameSpecified");
if (isParameterName != null && true.Equals(isParameterName)) {
string parameterName = TryGetProperty(arg, "ParameterName") as string;
currentParameterName = parameterName;


// Treat as a value:
var parameterValue = TryGetProperty(arg, "ArgumentValue");

if (currentParameterName != string.Empty) {
// Found currentParameterName's value. If it matches paramName, return
// it
if (currentParameterName.Equals(paramName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
return parameterValue;
else if (i++ == unnamedPosition) {
unnamedValue = parameterValue; // Save this for later in case paramName isn't found

// Found a value, so currentParameterName needs to be cleared
currentParameterName = string.Empty;

if (unnamedValue != null) {
return unnamedValue;

return null;


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