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Powershell test for noninteractive mode

I have a script that may be run manually or may be run by a scheduled task. I need to programmatically determine if I'm running in -noninteractive mode (which is set when run via scheduled task) or normal mode. I've googled around and the best I can find is to add a command line parameter, but I don't have any feasible way of doing that with the scheduled tasks nor can I reasonably expect the users to add the parameter when they run it manually.
Does noninteractive mode set some kind of variable or something I could check for in my script?

I actually inadvertently answered my own question but I'm leaving it here for posterity.

I stuck a read-host in the script to ask the user for something and when it ran in noninteractive mode, boom, terminating error. Stuck it in a try/catch block and do stuff based on what mode I'm in.

Not the prettiest code structure, but it works. If anyone else has a better way please add it!

Implement two scripts, one core.ps1 to be manually launched, and one scheduled.ps1 that launches core.ps1 with a parameter.

powerShell -NonInteractive { Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name like '%powershell%'" | select-Object CommandLine }

powershell -Command { Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name like '%powershell%'" | select-Object CommandLine }

In the first case, you'll get the "-NonInteractive" param. In the latter you won't.


C:\> powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -Command "[Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()"

Script: IsNonInteractive.ps1

function Test-IsNonInteractive()

[To see links please register here]

#powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -File .\IsNonInteractive.ps1
return [bool]([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() -Contains '-NonInteractive')


Example Usage (from command prompt)

pushd c:\My\Powershell\Scripts\Directory
::run in non-interactive mode
powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -File .\IsNonInteractive.ps1
::run in interactive mode
powershell -File .\IsNonInteractive.ps1

More Involved Example Powershell Script

#script options
$promptForCredentialsInInteractive = $true

#script starts here

function Test-IsNonInteractive()

[To see links please register here]

#powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -File .\IsNonInteractive.ps1
return [bool]([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() -Contains '-NonInteractive')

function Get-CurrentUserCredentials()
return [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
function Get-CurrentUserName()
return ("{0}\{1}" -f $env:USERDOMAIN,$env:USERNAME)

$cred = $null
$user = Get-CurrentUserName

if (Test-IsNonInteractive)
$msg = 'non interactive'
$cred = Get-CurrentUserCredentials
$msg = 'interactive'
if ($promptForCredentialsInInteractive)
$cred = (get-credential -UserName $user -Message "Please enter the credentials you wish this script to use when accessing network resources")
$user = $cred.UserName
$cred = Get-CurrentUserCredentials

$msg = ("Running as user '{0}' in '{1}' mode" -f $user,$msg)
write-output $msg

I came up with a posh port of existing and proven C# code that uses a fair bit of P/Invoke to determine all the corner cases. This code is used in my [PowerShell Build Script](

[To see links please register here]

) that coordinates several build tasks around Visual Studio projects.

# Some code can be better expressed in C#...
Add-Type @'
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class Utils
private static extern uint GetFileType(IntPtr hFile);

private static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle);

private static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();

private static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr hWnd);

public static bool IsInteractiveAndVisible
return Environment.UserInteractive &&
GetConsoleWindow() != IntPtr.Zero &&
IsWindowVisible(GetConsoleWindow()) &&
GetFileType(GetStdHandle(-10)) == 2 && // STD_INPUT_HANDLE is FILE_TYPE_CHAR
GetFileType(GetStdHandle(-11)) == 2 && // STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
GetFileType(GetStdHandle(-12)) == 2; // STD_ERROR_HANDLE

# Use the interactivity check somewhere:
if (![Utils]::IsInteractiveAndVisible)


Testing for interactivity should probably take both the process and the user into account. Looking for the `-NonInteractive` (minimally `-noni`) powershell switch to determine process interactivity (very similar to @VertigoRay's script) can be done using a simple filter with a lightweight `-like` condition:

function Test-Interactive
Determines whether both the user and process are interactive.

[CmdletBinding()] Param()
[Environment]::UserInteractive -and
!([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() |? {$_ -ilike '-NonI*'})

This avoids the overhead of WMI, process exploration, imperative clutter, double negative naming, and even a full regex.

I wanted to put an updated answer here because it seems that `[Environment]::UserInteractive` doesn't behave the same between a .NET Core (container running `microsoft/nanoserver`) and .NET Full (container running `microsoft/windowsservercore`).

While `[Environment]::UserInteractive` will return `True` or `False` in 'regular' Windows, it will return `$null` in 'nanoserver'.

If you want a way to check interactive mode regardless of the value, add this check to your script:

`($null -eq [Environment]::UserInteractive -or [Environment]::UserInteractive)`

EDIT: To answer the comment of why not just check the truthiness, consider the following truth table that assumes such:

left | right | result
$null | $true | $false
$null | $false | $true (!) <--- not what you intended

This will return a Boolean when the `-Noninteractive` switch is used to launch the PowerShell prompt.


I think the question needs a more thorough evaluation.

- "interactive" means the shell is running as REPL - a continuous read-execute-print loop.

- "non-interactive" means the shell is executing a script, command, or script block and *terminates* after execution.

If PowerShell is run with any of the options `-Command`, `-EncodedCommand`, or `-File`, it is non-interactive. Unfortunately, you can also run a script *without* options (`pwsh script.ps1`), so there is no bullet-proof way of detecting whether the shell is interactive.

So are we out of luck then? No, fortunately PowerShell does automatically add options that we can test if PowerShell runs a script block or is run via ssh to execute commands (`ssh user@host command`).

function IsInteractive {
# not including `-NonInteractive` since it apparently does nothing
# "Does not present an interactive prompt to the user" - no, it does present!
$non_interactive = '-command', '-c', '-encodedcommand', '-e', '-ec', '-file', '-f'

# alternatively `$non_interactive [-contains|-eq] $PSItem`
-not ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() | Where-Object -FilterScript {$PSItem -in $non_interactive})


Now test in your PowerShell profile whether this is in interactive mode, so the profile is not run when you execute a script, command or script block (you still have to remember to run `pwsh -f script.ps1` - not `pwsh script.ps1`)
if (-not (IsInteractive)) {

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