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Proguard Missing classes detected while running R8 after adding package names in

`AGPBI` gives this as output:

> Task :app:minifyReleaseWithR8
AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"Unexpected reference to missing service class: META-INF/services/reactor.blockhound.integration.BlockHoundIntegration.","sources":[{"file":"/app/build/intermediates/merged_java_res/release/base.jar"}],"tool":"R8"}

AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"Missing classes detected while running R8. Please add the missing classes or apply additional keep rules that are generated in /app/build/outputs/mapping/release/missing_rules.txt.\n","sources":[{}]}

AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"Missing class com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.Brotli4jLoader (referenced from: void io.netty.handler.codec.compression.Brotli.<clinit>() and 2 other contexts)\n

Missing class com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.decoder.DecoderJNI$Status (referenced from: void io.netty.handler.codec.compression.BrotliDecoder$1.<clinit>() and 1 other context)\n
Missing class com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.decoder.DecoderJNI$Wrapper (referenced from: com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.decoder.DecoderJNI$Wrapper io.netty.handler.codec.compression.BrotliDecoder.decoder and 4 other contexts)\n
Missing class com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.encoder.Encoder$Mode (referenced from: void io.netty.handler.codec.compression.BrotliOptions.<clinit>())\n
Missing class com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.encoder.Encoder$Parameters (referenced from: com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.encoder.Encoder$Parameters io.netty.handler.codec.compression.BrotliEncoder.parameters and 7 other contexts)\n
Missing class com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.encoder.Encoder (referenced from: io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf io.netty.handler.codec.compression.BrotliEncoder.allocateBuffer(, io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf, boolean))\n
Missing class (referenced from: void org.conscrypt.KitKatPlatformOpenSSLSocketImplAdapter.<init>(org.conscrypt.AbstractConscryptSocket))\n
Missing class com.github.luben.zstd.Zstd (referenced from: io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf io.netty.handler.codec.compression.ZstdEncoder.allocateBuffer(, io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf, boolean) and 1 other context)\n
Missing class (referenced from: void io.netty.handler.codec.protobuf.ProtobufDecoder.<init>(,\n
Missing class (referenced from: io.netty.handler.codec.protobuf.ProtobufDecoder.extensionRegistry and 2 other contexts)\n

The missing files seem to be part of the `bouncycastle` library. Here is my `proguard` file:

-keep class org.spongycastle.** { *; }
-dontwarn org.spongycastle.**

# When I remove this, X.509 not found is thrown
-keep class org.bouncycastle.** { *; }
-keep interface org.bouncycastle.**

# I got the missing classes from missing_rules.txt and added the package names that created the problem here:
-keep class org.conscrypt.** { *; }
-keep class io.netty.** { *; }

-keep class com.aayushatharva.** { *; }

-keep class ** { *; }

**build.gradle (app):**

implementation "org.conscrypt:conscrypt-android:$conscrypt"
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.69'
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.69'

Why does it still gives the error while I add the correct missing package names?

The missing classes warning tells that the mentioned classes are not present in the input (your source and dependencies) or in the referenced library (Android runtime library `android.jar` provided form the Platfrom SDK in this case). When R8 traces the program it will try to handle all the classes, methods and fields that it finds in the part of the program it considers live. Keeping all classes in a package will not change that. There are two options in this case:

1. Find the missing dependency and add it to the project
2. Ignore the warning using a `-dontwarn` as the class is expected to be missing.

For the warning on the class `` adding a
is the right thing to do, as looking at the [source](

[To see links please register here]

) shows that the class extends a class which will be in the KitKat runtime, but not in the app (and also not in `android.jar`).

For the remaining warnings a similar decision has to be made.

Write the -dontwarn rules in the missing_rules.txt file into the proguard-rules file

Write the -dontwarn rules in the proguard-rules file

-dontwarn okhttp3.internal.platform.**
-dontwarn org.conscrypt.**
-dontwarn org.bouncycastle.**
-dontwarn org.openjsse.**

These rules worked for me


-keep,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking class kotlin.coroutines.Continuation

1. Go to proguard-rules file (this file is available in Gradle Scripts)
2. add this rules in proguard-rules file



Not directly OP's issue, but if you find R8 failing your builds about missing rules and you're using an older version of OkHttp, you can upgrade OkHttp to 4.11.0 for [the necessary Proguard rules][1] instead of adding them to your project.


[To see links please register here]


You can disable minifyEnabled when debug the app since you are debugging the app on your phone but for the release version let minifyEnabled true ;

buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
signingConfig signingConfigs.ProfileForsign
debug {
signingConfig signingConfigs.ProfileForsign
debuggable true
minifyEnabled false

I upgrade gradle to `8.0` when i package my app I get the same problem.

this is the error message

*Missing classes detected while running R8. Please add the missing classes or apply additional keep rules that are generated in **you path to mmissing_rules.txt***

I follow the path to mmissing_rules.txt like this

app -> build -> outputs -> mapping -> your_app_name -> missing_rules.txt

I get those message

# Please add these rules to your existing keep rules in order to
suppress warnings.
# This is generated automatically by the Android Gradle plugin.
-dontwarn android.os.ServiceManager
-dontwarn com.bun.miitmdid.core.MdidSdkHelper
-dontwarn com.bun.miitmdid.interfaces.IIdentifierListener
-dontwarn com.bun.miitmdid.interfaces.IdSupplier

I copy those message into `` then i fix this problem.


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