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Redirect all trailing slashes globally in express

I am using Node.js and Express and I have the following routing :

app.get('/', function(req,res){ = new Date().toLocaleDateString();

res.render('home.ejs', locals);

function lessonsRouter (req, res, next)
var lesson = req.params.lesson;
res.render('lessons/' + lesson + '.ejs', locals_lessons);

app.get('/lessons/:lesson*', lessonsRouter);

function viewsRouter (req, res, next)
var controllerName = req.params.controllerName;
res.render(controllerName + '.ejs', locals_lessons);
app.get('/:controllerName', viewsRouter);
I have a [Disqus][1] widget on my lessons pages and I have noticed a strange behavior that when going to `` and `` I get two different pages (on of them had a comment I previously added in Disqus and the other one doesn't have a comment).

Is there a way to "canonize" all of my urls to be without trailing slashes ? I have tried to add the `strict routing` flag to express but the results were the same



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The answers above will work in a lot of cases but GET vars can encounter issues and if you were to put that inside another express middleware its reliance on `req.path` will cause a problem and its reliance on `req.url` can also have unwanted side effects.
If you're looking for a tighter solution this will do the trick:

// Redirect non trailing slash to trailing slash
app.use(function(req, res, next){
// Find the query string
var qsi = req.originalUrl.indexOf('?');
// Get the path
var path = req.originalUrl;
if(qsi > -1) path = path.substr(0, qsi);
// Continue if the path is good or it's a static resource
if(path.substr(-1) === '/' || ~path.indexOf('.')) return next();
// Save just the query string
var qs = '';
if(qsi > -1) qs = req.originalUrl.substr(qsi);
// Save redirect path
var redirect = path + '/' + qs;
// Redirect client
res.redirect(301, redirect);

console.log('301 redirected ' + req.originalUrl + ' to ' + redirect);

It's always happy with GET variables and won't break if you were to put it inside middleware.

The connect-slashes middleware was designed specifically for this need:

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Install it with:

`$ npm install connect-slashes`

Read the full documentation:

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One liner:

router.get('\\S+\/$', function (req, res) {
return res.redirect(301, req.path.slice(0, -1) + req.url.slice(req.path.length));

This will only catch the url's that need to be redirected, and ignore the others.

Example results:

/ ==> /
/a ==> /a
/a/ ==> /a
/a/b ==> /a/b
/a/b/ ==> /a/b
/a/b/?c=d ==> /a/b?c=d

Try adding a middleware for that;

app.use((req, res, next) => {
const test = /\?[^]*\//.test(req.url);
if (req.url.substr(-1) === '/' && req.url.length > 1 && !test)
res.redirect(301, req.url.slice(0, -1));

I'm adding this answer because I had too many issues with other solutions.

* @param {express.Request} req
* @param {express.Response} res
* @param {express.NextFunction} next
* @return {void}
function checkTrailingSlash(req, res, next) {
const trailingSlashUrl = req.baseUrl + req.url;
if (req.originalUrl !== trailingSlashUrl) {
res.redirect(301, trailingSlashUrl);
} else {


This will translate:

/page ==> /page/
/page?query=value ==> /page/?query=value


* @param {express.Request} req
* @param {express.Response} res
* @param {express.NextFunction} next
* @return {void}
function checkTrailingSlash(req, res, next) {
if (req.path.slice(req.path.length-1) !== '/') {
res.redirect(301, req.path + '/' + req.url.slice(req.path.length));
} else {


Example results:

/ ==> /
/a ==> /a/
/a/ ==> /a/
/a/b ==> /a/b/
/a/b/ ==> /a/b/
/a/b?c=d ==> /a/b/?c=d
/a/b/?c=d ==> /a/b/?c=d

If you use [fastify][1] to deal with your routes, you can try setting Fastify's ignoreTrailingSlash option to true.

const fastify = require('fastify')({
ignoreTrailingSlash: true


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[The answer][1] by [Tolga Akyüz](

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) is inspiring but doesn't work if there is any characters after the slash. For example `` is redirected to `` instead of ``.

Here is an improved version of the proposed middleware that fixes the problem by adding the original query to the end of the redirect destination URL. The version also has a few safety features described in the update notes.

app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.path.slice(-1) === '/' && req.path.length > 1) {
const query = req.url.slice(req.path.length)
const safepath = req.path.slice(0, -1).replace(/\/+/g, '/')
res.redirect(301, safepath + query)
} else {

**Update 2016:** As noted by [jamesk](

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) and stated in [RFC 1738](

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), the trailing slash can only be omitted when there is nothing after the domain. Therefore, `` is an invalid URL where `` is a valid one. In such case, no redirection should be done. Fortunately, the expression `req.path.length > 1` takes care of that. For example, given the URL ``, the path `req.path` equals to `/` and thus the redirection is avoided.

**Update 2021:** As discovered by [Matt](

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), a double slash `//` in the beginning of the path causes a dangerous redirection. For example the URL `` creates a redirect to `//evil.example` that is interpreted as `http://evil.example` or `https://evil.example` by the victim's browser. Also, noted by [Van Quyet](

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), there can be multiple trailing slashes that should be handled gracefully. Due to these findings, I added a line that safeguards the path by replacing all consequent slashes by a single `/`. I trust the performance overhead caused by the safeguard to be negligible because [the regexp literals are only compiled once](

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). Additionally, the code syntax was updated to ES6.


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