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Regular Expression, remove everything after last forward slash

I'm trying to use a regular expression within PowerShell to remove everything from the last slash in this string;, FirstName, FirstName

I need to remove Surname, FirstName including the /.
The string should look like this.

If someone could help me, I would be very grateful.

I have tried this; ` -replace '([/])$',''` but I can't seem to get it to work.


Replace `/[^/]*$` with an empty string

check this regex

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i can't test it on powershell but it work in the regex generator


Here's a solution that doesn't require regular expressions:

PS> $cn = ', FirstName' -split '/'
PS> $cn[0..($cn.count-2)] -join '/'

Here's another solution that doesn't require regular expressions:

Take a substring of your string starting at the beginning of the string and ending before the index of the last slash in your string:

PS> $indexoflastslash = (", FirstName").lastindexof('/')
PS> ", FirstName".substring(0,$indexoflastslash)


This solution doesn't use regexes.
I believe this approach is probably easier to understand, after all regexes - in general - are hard to read:

`, FirstName` has a path-like structure (windows also supports the forward slash as a path separator), so we could use split-path to return the parent 'directory' path.

Because '\' is the default path separator, we need to replace the '\' with '/' after doing this:

(split-path, FirstName).replace('\','/')
# will return


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