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Sort list with string date [Kotlin]

I have arraylist **`typeBeanArrayList`** where element is some like a date: for example:

[30-03-2012, 28-03-2013, 31-03-2012, 2-04-2012, ...]

How can I sort in **descending order.**


typeBeanArrayList = database.getSingleCustomerDetail(c_id!!) //get data from SQlite database

creditListAdapter = CreditListAdapter(typeBeanArrayList)
rv_credit_list!!.adapter = creditListAdapter //Bind data in adapter

Thanks in advance...


[30-03-2012, 28-03-2013, 31-03-2012, 2-04-2012, ...].sortDescending()

if you want to sort by param use in this case length

[30-03-2012, 28-03-2013, 31-03-2012, 2-04-2012, ...].sortByDescending { it.length }

Thank you @svkaka for information.

I just notice one line from @svkaka answer : **`.sortByDescending { it.length }`**.

and i changes in my code like :


Sorting is perfectly work.


If you have a list of `String`s representing dates, one way to sort them in descending order is:

val dates = listOf("30-03-2012", "28-03-2013", "31-03-2012", "2-04-2012")

val dateTimeFormatter: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy")

val result = dates.sortedByDescending {
LocalDate.parse(it, dateTimeFormatter)


This will print:

[28-03-2013, 2-04-2012, 31-03-2012, 30-03-2012]

Note that `sortedByXXX` methods return a new List, i.e., they don't sort *in place*

You can use something like this if you are using a custom model

typeBeanArrayList.sortedWith(compareByDescending<YourModel> { })


data class YouModel(val startDate: String? = null) {

compareByDescending<YourModel> {
val format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
var convertedDate = Date()
try {
convertedDate = it.startDate?.let { it1 -> format.parse(it1) } as Date
} catch (e: ParseException) {



This works for me. I created a descending comparator using the function to transform value to a Comparable instance for comparison. I converted the string date to date before applying the sorting function.

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