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Sorting list based on another list's order

I need to sort a list of `Person` objects(`List<Person>`, where each `Person` object has few attributes like `id`(unique), `name`, `age`… etc).

The sorting order is based on another list. That list contains a set of `Person` `id`'s (A `List<String>` which is already sorted).

What is the best way to order the `List<Person>` in the same order as the list of `id`'s using Kotlin or Java.


List Person {
(“ID1”,”PERSON1”,22,..), (“ID-2”,”PERSON2”,20,..) ), (“ID-3”,”PERSON3”,19,..),…..

Ordered Id List :

List of ID {(“ID2”), (“ID1”),(”ID3”)….}

Sorted `Person` list should be:

(“ID-2”,”PERSON 2”,20,..) ), (“ID1”,”PERSON 2”,22,..), (“ID-3”,”PERSON 2”,19,..),…..

If the `Person` list contains any `id`'s which are not mentioned in the `id` list then those values should be at the end of the sorted list.
Edited: This is my current way in Java. I am hoping for a better way than this:

public static List<Person> getSortList(List <Person> unsortedList, List<String> orderList){

if(unsortedList!=null && !unsortedList.isEmpty() && orderList!=null && !orderList.isEmpty()){
List sortedList = new ArrayList<OpenHABWidget>();
for(String id : orderList){
Person found= getPersonIfFound(unsortedList, id); // search for the item on the list by ID
if(found!=null)sortedList.add(found); // if found add to sorted list
unsortedList.remove(found); // remove added item
sortedList.addAll(unsortedList); // append the reaming items on the unsorted list to new sorted list
return sortedList;
return unsortedList;


public static Person getPersonIfFound(List <Person> list, String key){
for(Person person : list){
return person;
return null;

I would do something like (in pseudocode, since i don't know what your code looks like)

listOfPersons = [{2,Bob},{3,Claire},{1,Alice}]
orderList = [1,3,2]
sortedList = []
for(id in orderList)
person = listOfPersons.lookup(id)

And the lookup would be easier if you would have a map (id-> person) rather than a listOfPersons.

Try the below code.

Map<String, Person> personMap=new HashMap<>(); // create a map with key as ID and value as Person object
List<String> orderList=new ArrayList<>(); // create a list or array with ID order
List<Person> outputList=new ArrayList<>(); //list to hold sorted values


// to sort Person based on ID list order
for (String order : orderList) {

// logic to add the Person object whose id is not present in ID order list
for (Entry<String, Person> entry : personMap.entrySet())
int lastIndex=outputList.size();
outputList.add(lastIndex, entry.getValue());

Now, the `outputList` will have the values that you are expecting...

Following code will convert Person list to a `Map` where key will be the ID and value will be the Person object itself. This `Map` will help to quick lookup. Then iterate over the ID's list the get the value from the `Map` and added to a another `List`.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// List of ID
val listId = listOf(2, 1, 3)

val list = listOf(Person(id = 1, name = "A"),
Person(id = 2, name = "B"),
Person(id = 3, name = "C"))

val map: Map<Int, Person> = list.associateBy ({}, {it})

val sortedList = mutableListOf<Person>()



data class Person(val id: Int, val name: String)


Person(id=2, name=B)
Person(id=1, name=A)
Person(id=3, name=C)

An efficient solution is to first create the mapping from the ID in the `ids` (your desired IDs order) to the index in that list:

val orderById = ids.withIndex().associate { (index, it) -> to index }

And then sort your list of `people` by the order of their `id` in this mapping:

val sortedPeople = people.sortedBy { orderById[] }

Note: if a person has an ID that is not present in the `ids`, they will be placed first in the list. To place them last, you can use a [`nullsLast`][2] comparator:

val sortedPeople = people.sortedWith(compareBy(nullsLast<String>()) { orderById[] })


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