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Spring Boot and multiple external configuration files

Spring boot 1.X and Spring Boot 2.X don't provide the same options and behavior about the [`Externalized Configuration`][1].

The very good answer of M. Deinum refers to Spring Boot 1 specifities.
**I will update for Spring Boot 2 here.**

**Environment properties sources and order**

Spring Boot 2 uses a very particular `PropertySource` order that is designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties are considered in the following order:

> - Devtools global settings properties on your home directory
> (~/ when devtools is active).
> - `@TestPropertySource` annotations on your tests.
> - `@SpringBootTest#properties` annotation attribute on your tests. Command
> line arguments.
> - Properties from `SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON` (inline JSON embedded in an
> environment variable or system property).
> - `ServletConfig` init parameters.
> - `ServletContext` init parameters.
> - JNDI attributes from `java:comp/env`.
> - Java System properties (`System.getProperties()`).
> - OS environment variables.
> - A `RandomValuePropertySource` that has properties only in random.*.
> - Profile-specific application properties outside of your packaged jar
> (`application-{profile}.properties` and YAML variants).
> - Profile-specific application properties packaged inside your jar
> (`application-{profile}.properties` and YAML variants).
> - Application properties outside of your packaged jar
> (`` and YAML variants).
> - Application properties packaged inside your jar
> (`` and YAML variants).
> - `@PropertySource` annotations on your `@Configuration` classes. Default
> properties (specified by setting
> `SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties`).

To specify external properties files these options should interest you :

> - Profile-specific application properties outside of your packaged jar
> (`application-{profile}.properties` and YAML variants).
> - Application properties outside of your packaged jar
> (`` and YAML variants).
> - `@PropertySource` annotations on your `@Configuration` classes. Default
> properties (specified by setting
> `SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties`).

You can use only one of these 3 options or combine them according to your requirements.
For example for very simple cases using only profile-specific properties is enough but in other cases you may want to use both profile-specific properties, default properties and `@PropertySource`.

**Default locations for files**

About `` files (and variant), by default Spring loads them and add their properties in the environment from these in the following order :

> - A /config subdirectory of the current directory
> - The current directory
> - A classpath /config package
> - The classpath root

The higher priorities are so literally :

**How to use properties files with specific names ?**

The default locations are not always enough : the default locations like the default filename (``) may not suit. Besides, as in the OP question you may need to specify multiple configuration files other than `` (and variant).
So `` will not be enough.

In this case you should provide an explicit location by using the `spring.config.location` environment property (which is a comma-separated list of directory locations or file paths).
To be free about the filenames pattern favor the list of file paths over the list of directories.
For example do like that :

java -jar myproject.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:/,classpath:/

That way is the most verbose that just specifying the folder but it is also the way to specify very finely our configuration files and to document clearly the properties effectively used.

**spring.config.location now replaces default locations instead of adding to them**

With Spring Boot 1, the `spring.config.location` argument adds specified locations in the Spring environment.
But from Spring Boot 2, `spring.config.location` replaces the default locations used by Spring by the specified locations in the Spring environment as stated [in the documentation][2].

> When custom config locations are configured by using
> `spring.config.location`, they replace the default locations. For
> example, if `spring.config.location` is configured with the value
> `classpath:/custom-config/`,`file:./custom-config/`, the search order
> becomes the following:
> 1. `file:./custom-config/`

> 2. `classpath:custom-config/`

`spring.config.location` is now a way to make sure that any `` file has to be explicitly specified.
For uber JARs that are not supposed to package `` files, that is rather nice.

To keep the old behavior of `spring.config.location` while using Spring Boot 2 you can use the new `spring.config.additional-location` property instead of `spring.config.location` that still adds the locations [as stated by the documentation][2] :

> Alternatively, when custom config locations are configured by using
> `spring.config.additional-location`, they are used in addition to the
> default locations.


**In practice**

So supposing that as in the OP question, you have 2 external properties file to specify and 1 properties file included in the uber jar.

To use only configuration files you specified :


To add configuration files to these in the default locations :


`classpath:/` is in the last example not required as the default locations have that and that default locations are here not overwritten but extended.


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If you want to override values specified in your file, you can change your active profile while you run your application and create an application properties file for the profile. So, for example, let's specify the active profile "override" and then, assuming you have created your new application properties file called "" under /tmp, then you can run

java -jar yourApp.jar"override" --spring.config.location="file:/tmp/,classpath:/"
The values especified under spring.config.location are evaluated in reverse order. So, in my example, the classpat is evaluated first, then the file value.

If the jar file and the "" file are in the current directory you can actually simply use

java -jar yourApp.jar"override"
since Spring Boot will find the properties file for you

As the behaviour of spring.config.location now overrides the default instead of adding to it. You need to **use `spring.config.additional-location`** to keep the defaults. This is a change in behaviour from 1.x to 2.x


When using Spring Boot the properties are loaded in the following order (see [Externalized Configuration][1] in the Spring Boot reference guide).

1. Command line arguments.
2. Java System properties (System.getProperties()).
3. OS environment variables.
4. JNDI attributes from java:comp/env
5. A RandomValuePropertySource that only has properties in random.*.
6. Application properties outside of your packaged jar ( including YAML and profile variants).
7. Application properties packaged inside your jar ( including YAML and profile variants).
8. @PropertySource annotations on your @Configuration classes.
9. Default properties (specified using SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties).

When resolving properties (i.e. `@Value("${myprop}")` resolving is done in the reverse order (so starting with 9).

To add different files you can use the `spring.config.location` properties which takes a comma separated list of property files or file location (directories).


The one above will add a directory which will be consulted for `` files.,

This will add the 2 properties file to the files that are loaded.

The default configuration files and locations are loaded before the additonally specified `spring.config.location` ones meaning that the latter will always override properties set in the earlier ones. (See also [this section][2] of the Spring Boot Reference Guide).

> If `spring.config.location` contains directories (as opposed to files) they should end in / (and will be appended with the names generated from `` before being loaded). The default search path `classpath:,classpath:/config,file:,file:config/` is always used, irrespective of the value of `spring.config.location`. In that way you can set up default values for your application in `` (or whatever other basename you choose with ``) and override it at runtime with a different file, keeping the defaults.


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You can use like that `` if you have a in your resource folder.
Note that: intranet is my specific filename, yours should be different

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