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Welcome all to a read that will change your lives COMPLETELY!! So for those having problems with getting any chiq then THIS is waht you need and for those who consider themselves Guru's in the filed of attracting and laying women then u too might pick up a thing or two from waht i have to offer.....So here Goes!! (and by the way this is my first series the second one and all the rest will come soon enough so stay tuned)

All this i have gained through INTENSIVE research and CREATIVITY and i have practiced to perfection. So for those who always watch and never play too bad for you.. u will stay in that coccon of yours forever.... just take one step at a time!! Women are human beings like me and you know fear should encompass your mind! So to deal with confidence building begins straight from your mind. In this post i am going to teach you how to kill FEAR of people... especially women, so sit back and take a few notes!!

LESSON 1: The human mind is life itself! without it their is no life. To confirm this to you take for example when u see a beautiful woman in front of you the thing that happens to you is that u perceive thru your five senses more especially your eyes. Your mind will immediately recognize the beauty thru previous knowledge integration in the mind from birth and therefore will produce an outcome on ur thoughts and emotions immediately. I am not saying that you cannot block away such thats...actually for those who ignore the beauty of a woman....they CHOOSE to do so through influencing their thoughts. So understand this TOTALLY: the mind reacts to each and every moment in life based on the mindset set by the individual towards such a moment! So a moment in this case could be anything from spilling a glass of milk to being teased e.t.c So how the mind reacts to this is totally based on the MINDSET that one has towards such an occurrence. U may ask what is mindset? a mindset is how someone has told his mind to view an occurrence. Most of us have never taken time to SELF-CONFIGURE our mindsets towards what happen in our lives.
STEP 2:Now that u know what a mindset is, their are two types of mindsets: 1.General life mindset 2.Specified occurrence mindset ..... the first mindset which is the general life mindset IS the mindset that we all have and which we view LIFE as a whole. Let me give u a few examples: someone may say he is feeling bad today and another may say he is feeling good today... u see these is the input-output data response he has programmed the mind to use so as to act as the background responder or theme for the specified occurrence mindsets which are the 2nd type of mindsets i mentioned above!! LESSON 3: now u understand what a general life mindset is. ALL two types of mindsets have two forms or feels other words the general emotion the body reacts with they can either be NEGATIVE or POSITIVE! As for negative this means all known negative emotions in life such as anger, revenge, jealousy, malice e.t.c and as for the positive it means all life's positive emotions such as happy, excited, e.t.c
LESSON 4: now what i need you to do is to change your general life mindset first and foremost!! ... which means that all the time you need to maintain that positive mental attitude and thought pattern.... discard all negative thoughts from your mind thru monitoring your thoughts!!

I WILL END THEIR FOR TODAY! " life is no rush but a feel process that requires baby steps that gradually become greater with time"


- Specified mind occurrence mindsets
- The new YOU
- The female mind 101
- The 8 types of women on EARTH


now u see situations in life happen, either good or bad, bur what we as humans do naturally is to REACT!! now this reaction that either of us will take wholly depends on NUMBER 1: our general life mindset which we can decide to change ANY time in our short lives!! and this in turn dictates how our mind will react to the actual a hundred and more situations that we encounter on our average day..... now your talking about "bad situations" and lemme tall u something... this bad situations do not just happen by chance.... they only happen on chance on a disorganized mind that most humans have and which LIVE on chance!! so the question iz what should you do? change your thoughts completely.... never dwell on negative thoughts EVEN for a second...its called being CONSCIOUSLY aware of your thoughts MOST of the time if not ALL the time... and this is why u hear that their are people who are usually referred to as "happy and successful people in life".... this people just do that!! so from today on do not just LIVE to LIVE...but live because u WANT to live....!! and so u know their is nothing such as tricks to deal with mental matters..... just maintain a positive state of thought which will in turn because your general life mindset to be positive.... hence when your child spills milk twice on the same day u do not just hit him but u view it as a normal event in any child life...bur this entirely depends on what form of mindset u want to kip? so have i answered u? i am willing to offer examples of forms of mindset if u are interested....

ok... when am talking about a form of mindset, what i mean is that all humans have a way of viewing each and every single thing in life e.g consider a tree falling.... someone might take it as a great opportunity to use it as a means of making money thru furniture...while another may view it as a depletion of nature!! so simply said, a form of mindset is how we program our minds to view scenes in life i.e viewpoints!! So generally a general life mindset is not specific in nature but is either positive or negative...optimistic or pessimistic! so first decide the form of general life mindset u want in ur life ..( most humans are undecided and therefore live life other words ..they live by CHANCE).... once u have decided on the form of general life mindset u want your mind will be automatically programed to generate positive oriented or negative oriented thoughts to ur brain...depending on the form of general life mindset that u chose!! after this the mind will be in touch with infinite intelligence as always and will calibrate ur mind as u wish.... so if u chose positive ur one step ahead in controlling ur life! after u are in this state of positive thought u cn now CONTROL how ur mind will respond to the everyday events in life... meaning that when u see a woman u won't be all tense...but...ur mind will provide the positive thoughts required to offer u the perfect form of specific mindset to create towards approaching her....TTLY EAZY!! we all create the specific mindsets in our lives- most of us do this subconsciously (without our control..but the spar of the moment making as to react!!) ...and this we don't want... ask more!!

I wish there are tutorial on this kind of subject which like tutorial on hacking subject which is clear and includes the real life application, not just a theory.
I means, most of us, people who anti-social, really have no clue when it comes to theory like this.

we know we have to stay positive. But the problem is, how do we do that ????
Take example, for a people who have a low wage, so-so face (ugly just too cruel), don't have any talent. How can he stay positive when it come to women ??

yeah we know, that people aren't machine. people are different. but even if they're, people still have many similarities. if you give a tutorial on how to get a women with some type, chances are it will worked on some other women too.

pardon me, english isn't my native language. i hope you get what i means.


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