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drupal_add_css not working

I need to use [drupal_add_css][1] to call stylesheets onto single Drupal 6 pages. I don't want to edit the main theme stylesheet as there will be a set of individual pages which all need completely new styles - the main sheet would be massive if i put it all in there.

My solution was to edit the page in PHP editor mode and do this:

drupal_add_css("/styles/file1.css", "theme");

<div id="newPageContent">stuff here in html</div>

But when I view source, there is nothing there! Not even a broken CSS link or anything, it's just refusing to add the CSS sheet to the CSS package put into the page head.

Variations don't seem to work either:

drupal_add_css($path = '/styles/file1.css', $type = 'module', $media = 'all', $preprocess = TRUE)

My template header looks like this, I've not changed anything from the default other than adding a custom JavaScript.

<?php print $head ?>
<title><?php print $head_title ?></title>
<?php print $styles ?>
<?php print $scripts ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print base_path() ?>misc/askme.js"></script>
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<?php print phptemplate_get_ie_styles(); ?>

Why is this function not working?


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It is not quite clear where you are selecting the template that you have in your example. If you are selecting it from a module then you can just use drupal_add_css in the module rather than the template.

If you have your own theme you can use [template_preprocess_page][1] and put logic in there to add the relevant CSS (you can also use it to select the template to use).


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This function wont work in templates. The reason is that the variable $styles which will hold all the stylesheet html will already have been generated at this point, so drupal_add_css wont work as it adds to that. if you want to do this in your theme, you would probably have to add the css file manually

<link rel="stylesheet" ... />

The other way would be to use drupal_add_css in a module, but you might have a hard time adding the correct css files on the pages you want.


Thanks for the link, wyrmmage. That's very useful. I think the rest of the code in the page is unneccessary. You probably just need these since drupal 6 already automatically check for file existence:

drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/css/yourcss.css', 'theme');
// Add the following to regenerate $styles.
// This is needed for template_preprocess_page() since css is already generated at this point.
$variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css();

I have noticed something weird and it might fix your problem:

drupal_add_css( drupal_get_path('theme','themname') . '/working.css','module' ,'all' , false );

drupal_add_css( drupal_get_path('theme','themname') . '/path/to/folder/notworking.css','module' ,'all' , false );

The first one will work ebcause the style it in the main them folder
The second line will not work because the style is in a sub folder !


i think it did not work because i did not write the path the the style file properly :S so please disregard my answer

drupal_add_css( drupal_get_path('theme','test') . '/pages/subpage/style.css','theme');

is working

This code inside template.php works for me:

function alagna_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/header_1.css', 'theme');
$vars['css'] = drupal_add_css();
$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css();


1. alagna is the theme name
2. header_1.css is the css file required.


drupal_add_css is expecting a path relative to base path whereas drupal_get_path does not return the path relative to base path.

global $base_path; <br />
drupal_add_css($base_path . drupal_get_path('module / theme','name') . "/styles/file1.css", "module / theme");

You can choose between module and theme accordingly.

Try this
[ drupal_get_css($css = NULL)][1]


**$css: (optional) An array of CSS files.** If no array is provided, the default stylesheets array is used instead.

$css = $vars['css'];
// unset the system css files
$unset_css = array

foreach($unset_css as $css_f) {
if(isset($css['all']['module'][$css_f])) {

// add css
$css['all']['theme'][drupal_get_path('theme', 'openpublish_theme') . '/css/style.css'] = true;
$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);


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Answer was very much to use the [CSS Injector][1] module - great little addon!

Here is an excerpt from its project page:

> Allows administrators to inject CSS into the page output based on configurable rules. It's useful for adding simple CSS tweaks without modifying a site's official theme. The CSS is added using Drupal's standard drupal_add_css() function and respects page caching, etc. The 2.x brach leverages CTools so CSS can be included with Feature changes (ie. CSS that improves the look of a View can be packaged with the View).


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It's possible to use drupal_add_css() inside your template.php file; [this page][1] has a good example of how to do just that.


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"this page"

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