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setNeedsLayout vs. setNeedsUpdateConstraints and layoutIfNeeded vs updateConstraintsIfNeeded

I know that the auto layout chain consists in basically 3 different process.

1. updating constraints
2. layout views (here is where we get calculation of frames)
3. display

What's is not totally clear to me is the inner difference between `-setNeedsLayout` and `-setNeedsUpdateConstraints`. From Apple Docs:<br>


> Call this method on your application’s main thread when you want to
> adjust the layout of a view’s subviews. This method makes a note of
> the request and returns immediately. Because this method does not
> force an immediate update, but instead waits for the next update
> cycle, you can use it to invalidate the layout of multiple views
> before any of those views are updated. This behavior allows you to
> consolidate all of your layout updates to one update cycle, which is
> usually better for performance.
> <br>


> When a property of your custom view changes in a way that would impact
> constraints, you can call this method to indicate that the constraints
> need to be updated at some point in the future. The system will then
> call updateConstraints as part of its normal layout pass. Updating
> constraints all at once just before they are needed ensures that you
> don’t needlessly recalculate constraints when multiple changes are
> made to your view in between layout passes.

When I want to animate a view after modifying a constraint and animate the changes I usually call for instance:

[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f delay:0.0f usingSpringWithDamping:0.5f initialSpringVelocity:1 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut animations:^{
[self.modifConstrView setNeedsUpdateConstraints];
[self.modifConstrView layoutIfNeeded];
} completion:NULL];

I've found out that if I use `-setNeedsLayout` instead of `-setNeedsUpdateConstraints` everything work as expected, but if I change `-layoutIfNeeded` with `-updateConstraintsIfNeeded`, the animation won't happen.<br>
I've tried to make my own conclusion:

- `-updateConstraintsIfNeeded` only update constraints but doesn't force the layout to come into the process, thus original frames are still preserved
- `-setNeedsLayout` calls also `-updateContraints` method

So when is ok to use one instead of the other? and about the layout methods, do I need to call them on the view that has a change in a constraint or on the parent view?


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**Your conclusions are right.** The basic scheme is:

* `setNeedsUpdateConstraints` makes sure a future call to `updateConstraintsIfNeeded` calls `updateConstraints`.
* `setNeedsLayout` makes sure a future call to `layoutIfNeeded` calls `layoutSubviews`.

When `layoutSubviews` is called, it also calls `updateConstraintsIfNeeded`, so calling it manually is rarely needed in my experience. In fact, I have never called it except when debugging layouts.

Updating constraints using `setNeedsUpdateConstraints` is pretty rare too, [–a must read about autolayouts–says][1]:
> If something changes later on that invalidates one of your constraints, you should remove the constraint immediately and call setNeedsUpdateConstraints. **In fact, that’s the only case where you should have to trigger a constraint update pass.**

In addition, in my experience, I have never had to invalidate constraints, and not set the `setNeedsLayout` in the next line of the code, because new constraints pretty much are asking for a new layout.

The rules of thumb are:

* If you manipulated constraints directly, call `setNeedsLayout`.
* If you changed some conditions (like offsets or smth) which *would* change constraints in your overridden `updateConstraints` method (a recommended way to change constraints, btw), call `setNeedsUpdateConstraints`, and most of the time, `setNeedsLayout` after that.
* If you need any of the actions above to have immediate effect—e.g. when your need to learn new frame height after a layout pass—append it with a `layoutIfNeeded`.

Also, in your animation code, I believe `setNeedsUpdateConstraints` is unneeded, since constraints are updated before the animation manually, and the animation only re-lays-out the view based on differences between the old and new ones.


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The [answer by coverback](

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) is pretty correct. However, I would like to add some additional details.

Below is the diagram of a typical UIView cycle which explains other behaviors:

[![UIView's Lifecycle][2]][2]

1. **I've found out that if I use `-setNeedsLayout` instead of `-setNeedsUpdateConstraints` everything work as expected, but if I change `-layoutIfNeeded` with `-updateConstraintsIfNeeded`, the animation won't happen.**

`updateConstraints` typically doesn't do anything. It just resolves constraints it doesn't apply them till `layoutSubviews` is called. So animation does requires a call to `layoutSubviews`.

2. **setNeedsLayout calls also -updateContraints method**

No this is not necessary. If your constraints haven't been modified UIView will skip call to `updateConstraints`. You need to explicitly call `setNeedsUpdateConstraint` to modify constraints in the process.

In order to call `updateConstraints` you need to do the following:

[view setNeedsUpdateConstraints];
[view setNeedsLayout];
[view layoutIfNeeded];


Here is the best explanation explaining the differences between setNeedsLayout, layoutIfNeeded and other constraint update related methods in details, check [here][1]


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