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substring using bat command

I have the following thing in my bat file. say

set path=c:\temp\test

so basically i want to have an output which would give me the result as c:\temp\

i didnt find any indexof equivalent in bat command.


A question that really makes me wish [4DOS](

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) still existed. However, I found something that might help in [`alt.msdos.batch.nt`](

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). The manual page for `set` seems to contain most of the same information. (command `help set`)

set test=123456789

rem extract chars 0-5 from the variable test
set test=%test:~0,5%

echo %test%

(Note: tested on Windows XP SP3)

Naïve substrings have the problem that you have to adjust them every time your paths change and it isn't a generic solution to the problem.

The following batch file gives a proof of concept how you might do the truncation part of the path:

@echo off
set foo=C:\Temp\Test
call :strip
echo %foo%
goto :eof

if not "%foo:~-1%"=="\" (
set foo=%foo:~0,-1%
goto :strip
goto :eof

It's hard-coded to a single variable but that is easily fixed if needed.

The core part here is the `strip` subroutine which loops and cuts off the last character of the string until a backslash is found. This effectively removes the last part of the path.

Why do you want that?

[Johannes'][1] answer is a possible solution, but maybe the path you refer to is being (or could be) passed as an argument to the script, in which case you can use the following syntax:

REM Extracts the drive and path from argument %1
SET p=%~dp1

Alternatively you may combine `..` and the script path (`%0`):

REM Sets p to a sibling of the script directory
SET p=%~dp0..\test


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>set fullname=c:\mypath\oldfile
>set changedname=%fullname:oldfile=newfile%
>echo %changedname%

Applied to problem:

> set fullname=c:\mypath\oldfile
> set pathonly=%fullname:oldfile=%
> echo %pathonly%

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