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Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - Printable Version

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Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - serenarghhdj - 07-21-2023

Are there any shortcuts to (`stringByAppendingString:`) string concatenation in Objective-C, or shortcuts for working with `NSString` in general?

For example, I'd like to make:

NSString *myString = @"This";
NSString *test = [myString stringByAppendingString:@" is just a test"];

something more like:

string myString = "This";
string test = myString + " is just a test";

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - ose331 - 07-21-2023

The only way to make `c = [a stringByAppendingString: b]` any shorter is to use autocomplete at around the `st` point. The `+` operator is part of C, which doesn't know about Objective-C objects.

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - maloryemrqpy - 07-21-2023

NSString *label1 = @"Process Name: ";
NSString *label2 = @"Process Id: ";
NSString *processName = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
NSString *processID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]];
NSString *testConcat = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ %@ %@", label1, processName, label2, processID];

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - erector473 - 07-21-2023

NSString *label1 = @"Process Name: ";
NSString *label2 = @"Process Id: ";
NSString *processName = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
NSString *processID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]];
NSString *testConcat = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ %@ %@", label1, processName, label2, processID];

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - sethfnb - 07-21-2023

This is for better logging, and logging only - based on dicius excellent multiple argument method. I define a Logger class, and call it like so:

[Logger log: @"foobar ", @" asdads ", theString, nil];

Almost good, except having to end the var args with "nil" but I suppose there's no way around that in Objective-C.


@interface Logger : NSObject {
+ (void) log: (id) first, ...;


@implementation Logger

+ (void) log: (id) first, ...
// TODO: make efficient; handle arguments other than strings
// thanks to @diciu

[To see links please register here]

NSString * result = @"";
id eachArg;
va_list alist;
result = [result stringByAppendingString:first];
va_start(alist, first);
while (eachArg = va_arg(alist, id))
result = [result stringByAppendingString:eachArg];
NSLog(@"%@", result);


In order to only **concat** strings, I'd define a Category on NSString and add a static (+) concatenate method to it that looks exactly like the log method above except it returns the string. It's on NSString because it's a string method, and it's static because you want to create a new string from 1-N strings, not call it on any one of the strings that are part of the append.

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - reginaldreginauld966 - 07-21-2023

When building requests for web services, I find doing something like the following is very easy and makes concatenation readable in Xcode:

NSString* postBody = {
@"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
@"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">"
@" <soap:Body>"
@" <WebServiceMethod xmlns=\"\">"
@" <parameter>test</parameter>"
@" </WebServiceMethod>"
@" </soap:Body>"

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - dowieite77736 - 07-21-2023

Well, as colon is kind of special symbol, but *is* part of method signature, it is possible to exted the `NSString` with category to add this **non-idiomatic** style of string concatenation:

[@"This " : @"feels " : @"almost like " : @"concatenation with operators"];

You can define as many colon separated arguments as you find useful... ;-)

For a good measure, I've also added `concat:` with variable arguments that takes `nil` terminated list of strings.

// NSString+Concatenation.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSString (Concatenation)

- (NSString *):(NSString *)a;
- (NSString *):(NSString *)a :(NSString *)b;
- (NSString *):(NSString *)a :(NSString *)b :(NSString *)c;
- (NSString *):(NSString *)a :(NSString *)b :(NSString *)c :(NSString *)d;

- (NSString *)concat:(NSString *)strings, ...;


// NSString+Concatenation.m

#import "NSString+Concatenation.h"

@implementation NSString (Concatenation)

- (NSString *):(NSString *)a { return [self stringByAppendingString:a];}
- (NSString *):(NSString *)a :(NSString *)b { return [[self:a]:b];}
- (NSString *):(NSString *)a :(NSString *)b :(NSString *)c
{ return [[[self:a]:b]:c]; }
- (NSString *):(NSString *)a :(NSString *)b :(NSString *)c :(NSString *)d
{ return [[[[self:a]:b]:c]:d];}

- (NSString *)concat:(NSString *)strings, ...
va_list args;
va_start(args, strings);

NSString *s;
NSString *con = [self stringByAppendingString:strings];

while((s = va_arg(args, NSString *)))
con = [con stringByAppendingString:s];

return con;

// NSString+ConcatenationTest.h

#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
#import "NSString+Concatenation.h"

@interface NSString_ConcatenationTest : SenTestCase


// NSString+ConcatenationTest.m

#import "NSString+ConcatenationTest.h"

@implementation NSString_ConcatenationTest

- (void)testSimpleConcatenation
STAssertEqualObjects([@"a":@"b"], @"ab", nil);
STAssertEqualObjects([@"a":@"b":@"c"], @"abc", nil);
STAssertEqualObjects([@"a":@"b":@"c":@"d"], @"abcd", nil);
STAssertEqualObjects([@"a":@"b":@"c":@"d":@"e"], @"abcde", nil);
STAssertEqualObjects([@"this " : @"is " : @"string " : @"concatenation"],
@"this is string concatenation", nil);

- (void)testVarArgConcatenation
NSString *concatenation = [@"a" concat:@"b", nil];
STAssertEqualObjects(concatenation, @"ab", nil);

concatenation = [concatenation concat:@"c", @"d", concatenation, nil];
STAssertEqualObjects(concatenation, @"abcdab", nil);

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - equations151689 - 07-21-2023

Two answers I can think of... neither is particularly as pleasant as just having a concatenation operator.

First, use an `NSMutableString`, which has an `appendString` method, removing some of the need for extra temp strings.

Second, use an `NSArray` to concatenate via the `componentsJoinedByString` method.

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - bathyscapheseddfh - 07-21-2023

How about shortening `stringByAppendingString` and use a **#define**:

#define and stringByAppendingString

Thus you would use:

NSString* myString = [@"Hello " and @"world"];

Problem is that it only works for two strings, you're required to wrap additional brackets for more appends:

NSString* myString = [[@"Hello" and: @" world"] and: @" again"];

RE: Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings - empathises393976 - 07-21-2023

Here's a simple way, using the new array literal syntax:

NSString * s = [@[@"one ", @"two ", @"three"] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
^^^^^^^ create array ^^^^^
^^^^^^^ concatenate ^^^^^