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Beginner Challenge | Quadratic formula Solver

I told you, use the discriminant. If discriminant = 0, there's only 1 root( -b/2a ), otherwise you need to do the complete formula. That iteration wastes so much computation time it makes me cry.

I remember the quad eq. I still have the program I created for my TI-84 Plus to solve it for me. I just plugged in A, B, and/or C and it outputted the squared and square rooted value.

Quote:(11-23-2013, 12:34 AM)iHydra Wrote:

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I remember the quad eq. I still have the program I created for my TI-84 Plus to solve it for me. I just plugged in A, B, and/or C and it outputted the squared and square rooted value.

Wow, you remember the quadratic formula!?

Quote: (11-22-2013, 10:24 PM)Adorapuff Wrote:

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The classic story goes more along the lines of "I am anonymous. I will DDDos you, I wll hx u. Especkt me." But still, the difference between me and a classic skid is that I'm learning. A skid has no interest in coding, finding their own exploits, and would rather use havij for sqli, and loic for dos.

No, there are many different "stories", but I have ran into your particular one several times, I even had faith in said people and helped them a bit, but I saw no progression at all. Hope you can prove me wrong.

Quote:(11-23-2013, 08:25 AM)Colonel Wrote:

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Wow, you remember the quadratic formula!?

No, there are many different "stories", but I have ran into your particular one several times, I even had faith in said people and helped them a bit, but I saw no progression at all. Hope you can prove me wrong.

Fair enough. What did you see them fail at for the most part ?

Quote:(11-23-2013, 03:20 PM)Adorapuff Wrote:

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Fair enough. What did you see them fail at for the most part ?


Quote:(11-25-2013, 02:48 AM)Colonel Wrote:

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Everyone fails at progression.
I've tried to assist a few myself and lost hope entirely about 8 months ago, after a good 6-7 years in this stupid "scene".

Really, though, there's no need to be rude to anyone here. Just know that they'll never amount to anything and keep it to yourself. They'll figure it out eventually.

EDIT: Before anyone accuses me of being all high and mighty, this applies to myself too. I give up on everybody, me included.

So basically it's as hard to leave the skid zone as it is the friend zone?

Quote:(11-23-2013, 08:25 AM)Colonel Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

Wow, you remember the quadratic formula!?

Yea! I still do. I can't believe it but I do. How about you stop trying to act smart and shit.

His point was more that its a absolutely worthless memory to have.

Quote:(11-25-2013, 05:41 PM)w00t Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

His point was more that its a absolutely worthless memory to have.

If that is the case, oh, my bad but it didn't seem like so. He said it in a sarcastic way and in a negative way imo.

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